Saturday, June 28, 2014


Let' see...
  • January 2009, former ACORN, re-invented as the "Community Stabolization Find," was slated under the Obama stimulus plan to receive $4.2 billion.  
  • Then, in July of 2009, the ObamaCare lies started, lies that were immediately reputed but which later turned out to be very true.  In August of 2009, Obama told those of us who were against his plan to "shut up and get out of the way."  
  • In October of 2009, a ban against funding ACORN or its affiliates expired and was never renewed. By this time, it was well-established that ACORN had been a political arm of of the Obama campaign and had broken countless laws in most states. 
  • In November of 2009, The White House touted "exciting statistics" showing that Obama's Economic Stimulus was achieving unbelievable results, even in Congressional Districts that do not exist.  
  • In March of 2010, the Democrat-controlled House vote to approve ObamaCare by voice vote, refusing to have a roll call where the citizens could determine who actually voted for it.  The legislation was subsequently signed into law, against the overwhelming majority of the American people. 
  • In May 2010, the BP-ARCO Gulf Oil Spill occurred and Obama refused to act on the emergency situation until public opinion had his back to the wall. 
  • In July 2010, the Administration shut 73,000 blogs off the Internet without any due process whatsoever.  
  • In August of 2010, Obama came out firmly in favor of building a Muslim Mosque virtually next door to the World Trade Center 9/11 disaster site; the government was in the process of approving Federal grant funding to support the project.
  • In November of 2010, Americans stood up and announced their displeasure with what was going on by firmly turning control of the House over to the Republicans. 
  • In December 2010, Obama started issuing ObamaCare waivers to major corporations which had supported his election and to various union organizations....a process that would eventually lead to middle-income Americans as being the sole responsible parties for funding and signing up for ObamaCare. 
  • In March of 2011, the Fast & Furious scandal broke; Attorney General Holder would eventually be found in Contempt of Congress for refusing to cooperate with Congress and Obama would cover his butt by invoking "Executive Privilege." 
  • In April of 2011, Standard & Poors lowered its credit rating for the U.S. in the face of White House opposition; Obama subsequently sicked Holder and the DOJ on Standard & Poors in retaliation.  Obama also moved to send U.S. troops and assistance into Libya in violation of the U.S. Constitution requiring Congressional approval. 
  • On September 11, 2011. terrorists attacked the U.S. Consulate at Benghazi; Obama has been covering up and stonewalling over the deaths of four great Americans ever since.  
  • In October of 2011, the White House made it abundantly clear that it was not going to enforce U.S. immigration laws; this in direct violation of Obama's oath to uphold and enforce the laws of the U.S.  This has lead directly to today's horrible border crisis.  It also became known that Solyndra, an upstart solar energy company which had contributed heavily to Obama, was defaulting on over $535 million if federal loan guarantees arranged by the Administration.  Another stonewall was initiated.  
  • In January 2012, Obama did an end-run around the Senate and appointed three members to the National Labor Relations Board in the fact of heavy opposition; that maneuver was held by the Supreme Court last week to be an abuse of power. 
  • In May 2012, it because known that Obama had been secretly releasing Taliban prisoners from Guantanamo in the hopes ghat such releases would improve our relations with the Taliban.  He more recently exchanged five top Taliban prisoners for one U.S. deserter in direct violation of a Congressional Bill requiring him to get approval from Congress...a bill he signed into law.  
  • In June of 2012, a GSA contractor who was receiving favorable treatment from the government was found to have arranged over $500,000 in "bundled" contributions to Obama's reelection campaign. 
  • In August of 2012, it was uncovered that the Administration had arrange for $445 million to go to former ACORN leaders for their use in funding another home lending debacle.  
  • In October 2012, it became known that Obama's housing stimulus was a dismal failure.  
  • In May of 2013, the IRS scandal really started to heat up as it was discovered IRS Chief Shulman was a regular visitor to the White House.  This scandal has led to allegations of destruction of evidence over missing emails and stonewalling, despite earlier IRS acknowledgement that illegal targeting of conservative organizations had occurred. 
  • In June of 2013, after the Earl Snowden national security breach was revealed, it became known that NSA was maintaining mounds of data on all U.S. citizens, a fact Obama initially denied, then admitted to, then promised to clean up, which has yet to be done. 
  • In September of 2013, Obama had Secretary of State Kerry sign the U.N.gun ban treaty against overwhelming citizen opposition.
  • In October of 2013, ObamaCare hit a huge snag when its website was discovered to be useless and the fact that the Canadian firm which built it had close ties to... Michelle Obama. It also became known that remnants of ACORN had been selected by the Administration to assist in the sign-ups of enrollees for ObamaCare.  It also became known that Obama had been secretly easing U.S. sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program for months.  
  • The V.A. scandal; the Taliban prisoner release; The E.P.A. missing emails.  The refusal of Holder to abide by directions of Congress to name Special Prosecutors.  Spying on the Associated Press and Fox News. 
Would you vote for this oppressive, lying regime again?  Can you imagine where we will be by 2016 if we don't so something about it?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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