Monday, June 23, 2014



I definitely do not want to take anything away from the horrible situation existing at V.A. clinics across the country.  I've said many times that what we see at the V.A. is what we are likely to see in this nation under ObamaCare, and most knowledgeable people agree with me. 

There is another national health care tragedy that has existed in the country for decades: it's on our Native American reservations.  IHS clinics and hospitals have historically been underfunded, making it difficult to attract and retain qualified physicians and providers and leaving many clinics with only basic services for emergency situations at the ends of their fiscal years.  Patients are getting little preventative medicine; in many cases, they can't get a physical exam unless they are already sick.  

The IHS budgets are not increased to keep pace with the rising costs of pharmaceuticals.  Dental care is abysmal.  Adequate vision care is sporadic.  Patients requiring major surgery must often travel hundreds of miles to an IHS Medical Center and it is not unusual for the patient to lack adequate transportation funds.  The ability to see specialists is doled out only as dwindling funds allow.  

The average Native American lives 20 to 30 years less than American non-Natives. 

The sad part of the story is that I've just glossed over the problems.  I can't do the situation justice in this space.  But, we Americans should be just as upset over this issue as we are about the V.A. situation.  I'd love to see FOX NEWS tackle a journalistic investigation into this travesty. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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