Monday, June 16, 2014



Some day, Obama is going to have to learn how to face problems and deal with them. As it is, every time someone or some thing turns up the heat, Obama leaves Washington.  He seems to be in the habit of procrastinating until he's literally forced to decide and then he inevitably fumbles the ball.  

When it comes to terrorism, Al Qaeda, Taliban and I.S.I.S., he's eventually going to have to face the stark reality that those butchering marauders in Iraq right now have every intention of lining all of us up and doing the same thing right here, on the streets of San Francisco and the halls of Yale.  

Shucking and ducking and clucking like a chicken sends the wrong message.  It tells the enemy that we are weak people who chose weak leaders.  Obama has to learn that burying our collective heads in the sand will not make problems go away.  Perhaps, since he climbed out from underneath a rock,  that's the only game he knows.   

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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