Monday, May 12, 2014



If it is true that there is nothing more in the story about the Benghazi Massacre, why are the Democrats doing everything in the world to torpedo hearings into the matter?  Why, if there is nothing to hide, wouldn't they show up on the Select Committee so that they could gloat at the end results?  Why, if there is nothing to hide, have they prevented key witnesses who were in Libya at the time from testifying, to the point of refusing to divulge their current whereabouts so that they could be subpoenaed?  

Why the manufactured cover story about the video in the first place?  Why did they put Susan Rice out to dry over her insistence that the massacre was a result of that video?  Why did they say that all emails regarding the subject had been turned over, when at least several had not?  Why wasn't Obama in the Situation Room; did he not want to be associated with what was coming down?  Why not?  

Why have they acted in obvious collusion... the State Department, the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the Pentagon and the White House to obfuscate and prevent a complete investigation to be had?  Why haven't they arrested or captured any of those who attacked the Consulate?  Why did they "fire" involved personnel in the State Department and then hire them back? 

Why didn't they send military assets into Benghazi to attempt a rescue or defense of those being slaughtered? 

I want to know... WHY?  WHY?  WHY? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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