Thursday, May 08, 2014



Let me begin by referring you to two different articles about two different incidents in American schools:

Here are two people speaking out about what is going on in two different states with respect to educational issues.  In both cases, the person speaking out got arrested and charged for what really was non-violent protest.   

I'm outraged.  Since when in this country has it become illegal to say what you think in a public meeting or a public forum?  Since when in this country has it become an offense to question the authority or the propriety of the public servant?   These people "in charge" have no clue as to the fact that WE are in charge, and if THEY don't like it, THEY need to pack their damn bags and get out of the picture.  

Oh, and in case you hadn't figured it out, I will say whatever it is that is on my mind in any public meeting or forum and I don't give a damned who likes it or who doesn't.  This is America.  We have a Constitution.  It has a Fifth Amendment.  Get over it or get out of the way.  

I dare you to send in the B.L.M. stormtroopers. 

Illegitimi non carborundum.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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