Wednesday, May 21, 2014



It was a familiar speech, heard many times in the past as scandal after scandal after scandal has erupted from this wayward Administration: "We'll investigate it."  There were no apologies, no promises to fix it, no deadlines for action.  

In the meanwhile, lives continue to be lost as the delays continue to exist.

What about those whose names were on external lists not in the computer?  They don't know that; they don't know that their names have now been shredded; they don't know that they need to call the V.A. back for an appointment.  And WE don't know if there is really any sense of urgency or not.  

All we do know about Obama's intentions are what he said today: "I've done a great job in working with veterans and their families and blahhhh, blah, blah, blah."  He neglected to discuss his prior insistence, back in 2009, that veterans pay for their own medical care.  He failed to address the fact that he and his Administration have been aware of these problems since before they took office and have not responded.  

"If these allegations prove to be true, it is dishonorable, it is disgraceful, and I will not tolerate it, period."  Period as in ObamaCare "period?"  Period as in "If you want to keep your plan, you can keep it?  If you want to keep your doctor, you can keep him... period?"

If Shinseki is so great, as everyone claims he is, why hasn't he either resolved the issue or taken it to Congress?  It seems to me that, since they knew about the problem back in 2008 and have not done anything yet to fix it, that the failure to fix it is deliberate on the part of both Shinseki and the President.  

This is criminal negligence resulting in the deaths of American veterans.  And still no orders to stop it?  No overtime to reduce the backlog?  No reviews by efficiency experts to really get to the bottom of it?  Just another, "We're gonna investigate it?"  Just more lip service?

If I can contain myself and be polite about it, as an American veteran I will say:  "This is bullshit.  Pure, unadulterated bullshit.  Period."

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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