Saturday, May 17, 2014


It seems that the Federal agencies are bound and detrmined to undermine anything and everything to do with ranching and farming in the country.  The E.P.A. wants to regulate cow flatulence and impose fines.  The B.L.M. and the U.S.D.A. Forest Service want all vacant land in the country to be theirs and all farmers and ranchers to dry up and blow away.  

The latest tiff is in Otero County, New Mexico where cattle are dying due to thirst, while the Forest Service has fenced off a spring claiming that the meadow jumping mouse is in danger.  The sheriff, to his credit, ordered deputies to open up the fence and allow cattle to get water. “We are reacting to the infringement of the U.S. Forest Service on the water rights of our land-allotment owners,” Otero County Commissioner Tommie Herrell says.  “People have been grazing there since 1956.”  

“The winds are blowing, we’re in a drought. Sacramento Mountains are dry. So whatever water sources these animals can find, they have to be able to get to it,” fellow commissioner Susan Flores echoes.  

At least they've been talking and the Forest Service says they don't see things escalating into another B.L.M. ~ Cliven Bundy confrontation.  Well, I'd bet 1,000 meadow jumping mice that there WOULD have been a confrontation if the B.L.M. ~ Bundy thing had not preceded the current standoff.  

Our government is running roughshod over the country, with agencies and departments that lie, coverup, obfuscate, over-regulate and oppress resistance.  Americans need to start doing right now what I have been diligently doing for over five years... speaking out to their friends and neighbors through blogs, social media, text messages and even, (gasp) face-to-face.  We need to stop this radicalization of our country and we need to do it in November through sending a clear message to Washington that we've had enough, by turning a whole bunkhouse full of culprits out of office.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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