Thursday, May 29, 2014



You've heard the old saying: "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."  Well, folks, we do have a problem and the problem is you.  The problem is you, because you have not been part of the solution. 

Think about it: You are the one who is responsible for those American vets who died waiting for medical treatment.  You are the one who is responsible for the fact that we do not have answers on Fast & Furious, for the fact that our Attorney General was held in Contempt of Congress and never called to task over it, for the I.R.S. targeting, for the N.S.A. domestic spying, for the failure of our press and media to tell us the news like it really is instead of how they want us to hear it... you are the ones responsible for those four deaths in Benghazi and the countless number of veterans who have died because they didn't get treatment. 

Why is that?  Why is it your responsibility? 

This government is yours.  It belongs to the people.  If you refuse... refuse... to exercise your duty and responsibility as an American citizen by holding Congress and the President accountable for their deeds or lack of them, then you are responsible for what goes wrong.  It's just that simple.  

You don't like the way the government is being run?  You're the government.  You have the tools to correct the problem.  You have a phone?  You have Email?  You have a FAX?  You have a piece of paper, an envelope and a postage stamp? 

Send your Senators and Representatives a message.  Tell them you're angry as hell about all of this.  Ask them when they're going to fix it.  Tell them to cut the bullshit speeches and political posturing and fix the damn problems.  If they hear from enough of us, they will get the problems fixed.  Don't put this simple task off until after dinner or after the video game... do it now.  

When you go to bed tonight, how will you be able to sleep if one more veteran dies because he or she did not get treatment... because you didn't act? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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