Wednesday, May 14, 2014



I always felt it was only a matter of time:Putin is now firmly in charge of the world situation.  

It all started when Obama played the pussy-foot game with North Korea and Iran over their nuclear weapon s programs; I think that's when Putin started to realize that our President was no Ronald Reagan or Jack Kennedy or Harry Truman or Dwight Eisenhower.  The confirmation came when Obama drew the infamous "red line" in Syria and then crapped his pants when Assad called his bluff.  Putin surely must have delighted in that moment, because it confirmed what he suspected: Obama is a left-wing, radical socialist weenie. 

"Well," Obama thundered when Russia invaded Crimea, "we're just going to have to put some sanctions against Russia."  And then, as Putin ignores Obama and starts refusing to take his telephone calls, as Putin prepares to take all of the Eastern Ukraine, now Obama has a snit fit and threatens that the "sanctions" are going to get really snotty. 

You certainly must have anticipated the Russian response: "Back off there tin-horn, or we're no longer allowing your astronauts into the International Space Station and we're no longer going to make rocket engines for your space ships." They've even threatened to shut down part of our GPS system.  

Well now, Mr. Smart Ass in the White House, what are you going to do next?  Do you have any more great punts left in your arsenal? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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