Thursday, October 24, 2013



Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, always the most affable and dapper of the Obama Administration, has been ducking testimony before the House regarding the floundering rollout of ObamaCare for several weeks.  They finally nailed her down to testify today, but the lovely lady on short notice announced she had a "scheduling conflict," and then promptly lined up a plane to fly her to Phoenix to visit one of her call centers.  Where I come from, that amounts to what you call a "flip off" of the big finger to Congress.  

Should we have expected less?  After all, the Obama Administration stonewalls everything these days.  Eric Holder refuses to testify and tell the truth about Fast & Furious and even gets Executive Privilege to get out of it.  The White House refuses to come clean on the Benghazi Massacre.  The D.O.J. got away with illegally surveilling the Associated Press and James Rosen; Obama simply ordered Holder to "investigate" it.  The N.S.A. is escaping unscathed from intrusive and illegal scrutiny of American Emails, phone calls and text messages.  The I.R.S., which has also totally violated the law, seems to be skating along as well; Lerner took full retirement, Sarah Hall Ingram got a promotion and a raise out of it; and the White House has secreted its logs showing the 300+ meetings between White House officials and I.R.S. top dogs and what the meetings were about.  

So, why should Sibelius be any different?  

The latest word coming yesterday was that she agrees to testify next Wednesday.  I'm betting a free lesson on how to navigate the ObamaCare website that she doesn't.    

After all: They work for Obama; they don't have to answer to anybody.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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