Saturday, October 05, 2013


When an Indian Tribe runs out of grant money, they have to lay off people.  When a new grant comes along, people are rehired, but they don't get paid for the time they were off.  When businesses have to lay off because sales are down or manufacturing materials haven't arrived, the employees don't get paid for the time they were off.  But the President intends to pay everyone who was laid off or furloughed, whether they worked through it or not. 

The President complains because the parks are closed.  When the House passes a bill to fund the Parks, the Senate refuses to act on it.  While the House comes up with different alternatives, the President says flatly that he will not negotiate. 

When the public complains they don't like ObamaCare, the President says that's the Republicans' fault.  Who wrote the damned law, anyway? 

Reid and Obama claim the Tea Parties have hijacked the House.  All of the sudden, Americans don't have the right to tell their elected Representatives what to do but Obama, one person, can tell the Senate what to do? 

Enough is enough.  We need to throw these charlatan bastards out and we shouldn't reopen government until they agree to leave peacefully. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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