Monday, October 21, 2013



THE BLAZE is reporting that Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, faced with a tough reelection battle in Kentucky, may have accepted a $2 billion project for his state in return for caving in to end the government shutdown. 

Let's face it; Washington is corrupt.  They are as corrupt as the Roman government was before it toppled.  You know it and I know it.  They are out of touch with the American people, acting like runaway demagogues.  Yes, I'm painting with a broad brush and I admit it.  To be fair, there are a few honest and fair people in Washington, but you and I know they are definitely in the minority. 

Americans sense it; that's why Congress has such low approval ratings.  We keep saying we have to throw the bums out at election time, but election time comes and incumbents manage to outspend and out-lie their opponents and to win reelection.  It takes citizens who are paying attention to the facts in Washington, alert to spin, lies and manipulation, to reverse this trend.  

That is why I write these blogs, hoping that someone will listen and start to ask questions and to pay attention to what is happening in the country.  If just one person a day will do that, and urge others to do the same, we stand a better-than-even chance of changing things in the next election.  Let's work together to separate the wheat from the chaff and to remove the chaff from political power. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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