Thursday, April 11, 2013



We are already aware of the agenda of radical Islamic Jihadists to rid the planet of  "non-believers." Muslims are either shunning or persecuting Christians in Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan,  Somalia, the Maldives, Mali, Iraq, Yemen, Eritrea, Syria, Sudan and Nigeria.  Religion of any kind is not tolerated in North Korea.  The problem is exacerbated by the failure of Western nations to address the issue. 

Here in America, the persecution of Christians and Jews is in its infancy.  The radical left tries to  chip away at the religious establishment on a daily basis by eroding religious displays in public, removing Christian prayers in school while tolerating Muslim prayer, and attacking religious freedoms and rights in every forum and in every corner of the country where it can get a foothold.  

Christians seem content at the moment to "turn the other cheek."  But, the day is likely to come when Christians and Jews alike will draw the line and start an inevitable push-back; it remains to be seen whether or not this will lead to armed confrontation, but history tends to confirm that such a scenario is not beyond the realm of probability.  One thing is certain: the consistent divisiveness of our President in America is only going to fan hatreds, religious animosities being only part of a growing and simmering pot of American discontent. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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