Friday, April 26, 2013



One of the arguments before the passage of ObamaCare was that Congress was shoving the plan on all Americans and not subjecting its own members to the same plan.  Obama, Reid and Pelosi assured the country that the cushy plan Congressional Members are still under would be converted to ObamaCare.  That magnanimous concession was made in the days just before Pelosi's famous "You'll get a chance to read it's foggy language after it's passed" line. 

Now that it's finally being read by a few of the people who passed it, it turns out that the law did not include provisions for the funding and establishment of an insurance exchange for Congress.  My, what an oversight!  How could that possibly happen? Holy shit, Batman!

Well, as the day rapidly approaches, there have been some in high places in both parties of Congress, meaning Reid and Pelosi, who have been whispering to each other that now is the time to exempt Members of Congress from the ObamaCare disaster on the basis that there's no funding and no insurance exchange. 

Isn't that all just a fine kettle of bullshit stew?  How many bowls are you going to buy? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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