Tuesday, April 23, 2013



The time for niceties and political correctness has passed.  The Boston Marathon Bombing makes it clear that we have enemies among us.  This is intolerable. 

Do we sit around the living room watching Sesame Street, waiting for the next shoe to drop?  If there is a murderer on the loose, do we wait until he pulls the trigger to do anything about it? 

The authorities are all admitting that the country has terrorist cells in it and that many Muslim Mosques are radicalized Mosques fomenting anger and hatred against the United States.  The radicals are all waiting for the call to Jihad or for when the situation is ripe to strike.  Why should we continue to be sitting ducks in our own country? 

These radicals, Muslim or not, need to be identified and neutralized.  If that means shipping a bunch of innocent Muslims out of the country, so be it; I have yet to hear any outrage from the Muslim communities over what happened in Boston.  Their silence is ominous and says everything we need to know about where their true loyalties lie. 

Let's rid ourselves of the scourge that is waiting on our own doorsteps, waiting to kill us all off.  The sooner the better.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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