Saturday, April 13, 2013


The news oozing out of Washington like a really bad turd late Thursday, something the liberal Obama-controlled media and press is surely to downplay, is that… GASP…the North Koreans do indeed have a nuclear weapon small enough to be launched from one of their missiles.  WHAT A DISCOVERY!  WHAT A SHOCK!  I said it in my blogs months ago.  Obviously, the White House pays more attention to Rush Limbaugh than they do to me.   

But, this is no laughing matter.  There’s Iran. 

We know that Israel has some very sophisticated intelligence and that Netanyahu has been warning that Iran is closing in on having a nuclear weapon.  We know that Iranians were in North Korea for that country’s last test.   We know that U.N. observers sent to Iran have all concluded that Iran is much further along with its programs than meets the eye.  We know that Iran suddenly doubled its production of weapons-grade uranium in recent months.  We know that Netanyahu has been insisting that Iran will be nuclear by this summer. 

Could it be that the last nuclear test by North Korea was actually an Iranian bomb? 

In any event, it doesn’t take a nuclear scientist to arrive at the conclusion that the Iranians are much closer to nuclear capability than “at least another year,” as the White House insists.  And here we sit, like bumps on a log. 

Leaders of both North Korea and Iran are unstable to say the least.  Both countries despise Americans.  The situation in North Korea is tense enough that the slightest misstep will most certainly result in war.  We simply have to know that we are going to wake up any day now to the headlines, “IRAN HAS NUKES.” 

If North Korea and Iran both decide to go to war at the same time, just what are we going to do?  Go play golf?  Get on Air Force One and fly off on another apology tour?  Invite someone over for a beer in the Rose Garden?  Any Past President, (except Carter), would be firmly in control at the White House, closely monitoring events and keeping the American public informed.  He would be holding intelligence briefings on a daily basis and meeting with top military officials to hammer out options.  

Our President is a jackass, and this is a very dangerous time.   

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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