Thursday, February 14, 2013



Oh, they are so nice and contrite when they make their fallacious pronouncements, it makes me sick.  Democrats prove more and more every day that they should not be taking their brains out and playing with them.  

They espouse that they have cut spending by cutting subsidies for agriculture and big oil.  Those companies happen to have owners who want to make a profit; they are going to raise prices to make up for the lost subsidies.  Hence, gas prices are up, as we all know, and the retail cost of farm products is also soaring.  If it costs more to drive and eat, people spend less on other things, thereby fueling unemployment and decreasing tax revenues. 

ObamaCare has been ruled a tax by the Supreme Court.  Now we have taxation without representation because 74% of the Americans at the time opposed the legislation and over 60% still do. It was, they insisted, going to save trillions of dollars but, in fact, it's adding upwards of $2 trillion to government spending and it is already widely recognized that insurance premiums are soaring and the quality of care is going to decline.  The number of college and university applications for admission into programs for specialized medicine have plummeted dramatically.  The only way to fill this gap is going to be bringing in more foreign medical specialists.  

These numbskulls would have you believe that if you pay more for the same car, it will run better.  If you lose your job, your neighbor will help you; if he loses his job, the government will take care of you. If the government runs low on money or gets too far in debt, it can always print more money to solve the problem.  

How they can tell these lies and fabricate these falsehoods with a straight face, I will never know.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

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