Thursday, June 28, 2012



Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States, is in charge of the Department of Justice.  The DOJ engineered the "Fast and Furious" operation that ordered border gun shops to sell illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartel operatives.  That is a fact.  The question is, who knew and when?  Did Holder participate in authorizing the operation or ordering the cover-up?  Was then White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel involved?  The President himself?  

Holder has consistently lied, spun, squirmed and flatly refused to provide House investigators with the documentation and testimony they need to get those answers.  On the eve of a House Committee vote for contempt, Holder had the audacity to show up for a negotiating session and flip the big one to the committee chair, Darell Issa.  The very next day, moments before the committee vote to send the contempt issue to the full House, Holder and Obama joined together to flip another big one by claiming Executive Privilege and again refusing to provide the information. 

Now comes the Democratic marginalization team, slamming Issa, slamming the Republicans for their "partisan" questioning... even going so far as to claim the committee Republicans are racists.  Pelosi promptly joined the chorus, underscoring that the committee vote for contempt was "not a coincidence," but an orchestrated effort by the Republicans to "get" Holder.  

Enter the NRA, urging all House members regardless of party to vote in favor of finding Holder in contempt; Holder has been a vocal hardline opponent of the NRA and American gun owners since before he took office.  Again, the whining Democrats promptly accused the NRA, Republicans and all conservatives of being part of that "vast right-wing conspiracy," identified years ago by Hillary Clinton as being anti-Americans, on a mission to destroy the Attorney General.  

Well, the Attorney General is obstructing justice, pure and simple.  No employee of the people should be obstructing justice.  Yes, we're out to get him.  We want his sorry butt out of a position where he can continued to hide and cover up for a reckless President and we want the facts.  Holder blocks those facts and the truth.  The sooner, the better.  

Sick him!  Go get him!  Hang him by his testicles until he relents.  Anything less than a full House vote for Contempt of Congress would be an insult to the American public. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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