Tuesday, June 19, 2012



You’d think we were in the budget Olympics: he who can stall the issue longer wins the gold medal.  Remember last August when the President and Congressional Democrats agreed with the Republicans that, should a viable spending plan not be in place by Thanksgiving, automatic cuts would take place?  Well, the plan didn’t materialize and… neither did the automatic cuts.  And the nation suffered a downgrade in its credit rating. 

Since that time, there has been absolutely no… zero… zilch attempt by anyone in Washington to cut spending or reduce the deficit.  In fact, the spending rate has actually increasedNow, they’re ready to kick the same can down the same road past THIS November! 

Don’t they get our damned message?  Or, are they really as dumb as they look?  How can we possibly believe that any one of them is actually sincere about improving our nation’s financial condition? 

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of the lip service, the outright lies and the steadfast refusal to address this issue.  We simply cannot afford to play these kindergarten games any longer.  We must take steps to remove from office those in Washington who don’t have the courage to make the tough decisions and to be Americans. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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