Saturday, June 02, 2012


Here we go again… Another “statistic” put out by the Obama administration and met with ecstatic glee by the Democrats, has be “revised,” but no one is talking about it.  Yes, unemployment figures for the last two months have been revised upward.  This favorite trick of this Administration, to lie and change the facts later when no one is looking, is getting awfully old. 

What about Solyndra?  Why don’t we hear any more about the virtually bankrupt company that got over $500 million in federal loan guarantees and then did go bankrupt after donating to Obama’s campaign?  What about First Solar, which got $3 billion in loan guarantees from the Obama goons and is ready to go under? Why doesn’t the media cover these things? 

Who is the liar, the guy who tells it in the first place, the media which knowingly repeats it, or both? 

Why is no one talking about the government money being spent on political ads to promote ObamaCare?  Why doesn’t somebody challenge Obama when he says he’s more tight-fisted than any President in the last 60 years? 

Freedom of the Press does not convey the right to lie and misrepresent the truth to the American public.  And the only way to stop this is to quit watching it, stop reading it, and to boycott the advertisers who support it. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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