Saturday, October 15, 2011


Here I am, a registered Republican since 1963 and I honestly have to now say that the Republican Party makes me sick.  Not that I’m about to go register as a Democrat, mind you, but the Republican Party should fold up its tent and go join the Democrats, as far as I am concerned, and I’ll become an independent. 

The plain simple fact is that the Republican Party has lost touch with those of us who consider ourselves to be conservative American Patriots.  They have become “unprincipled.” 

You have Congressional Members who swear up and down that they will stick to their guns and bring economic sense back to the country right up until ten minutes before vote time, and then they fold like a stack of wet cards.  That has happened time and time again over the last three years and even the last two years of the Bush Administration.  The same party refused to step up to the plate and do what is right for the country when they had control of both Congress and the White House. 

Now, you have this big damned rush to move primaries up because the Republican powers that be want to make certain that Mitt Romney doesn’t lose steam to Herman Cain; they want the major state players to have their primaries before Mitt loses his luster. In that manner, since he is leading the polls in those major states right now, he will have a commanding lead going into the rest of the primary process.   And God forbid that the people, THE people, have the opportunity to choose for themselves who THEY want to lead the party into the November 2012 elections.  If that doesn’t sound like arrogant Democrat thinking about the populace, what does? 

This maneuver is patently unfair to the election process in this country and a betrayal of the people’s trust.  If we want to Mitt Romney or Herman Cain or Madeline Foxtrot up for President, that should be OUR decision, not theirs.  The Republicans do make me sick.  Why don’t we Republicans just put Harry Reid up for President and Nancy Pelosi for Vice President and then we’ll ALL be turncoat Republicans?  


That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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