Tuesday, October 18, 2011



If you take a close look at Obama’s stature and how he is acting on the campaign trail, you can easily detect that he is not worried… not concerned at all about being reelected.  He says what he wants, whether it is politically correct or not, chastises his own party, sends more American troops into another illegal engagement, smiles and backs the Marxist “Occupy Wall Street” protesters.  Does this sound like someone who is worried about what the polls say or Fox News says? 

If Congress refuses to act on a piece of legislation he wants, he simply creates the law by Executive Order.  He ignore the Constitution and surrounds himself was a wall of Czars who carry on his biding while he pretends to be annoyed with the Tea Parties and conservative America. 

The Republicans in Congress are the Great Pretenders.  They pretend to oppose his ideas right up until the last minute and then give in to what he wants.  Has this President ever, even once, acknowledged the voice of the American people? 

His reckless disregard for the will of the people, the Constitution and the Congress all add up to one thing: Marxist Dictatorship.   If you doubt what I am saying here, you do not know your American or world history. 

We need to do something. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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