Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Now is the time for all good, solid and patriotic Americans to come to the aid of their country. 

All of us have watched our country go down the drain.  It was a slow process at first, back in Bush 1 years, but it has been increasing in speed ever since and is now progressing down that drain at break-neck speed.  What’s worse, we have a Congress and a President who are pushing it.  What’s worse yet is that we are allowing them to do it. 

Our forefathers founded this country.  They fought the battles and chose the words from which our future as a nation would evolve.  Every succeeding generation has served as a caretaker of freedom and democracy and the world has envied us and often tried, unsuccessfully, to follow in our footsteps.  The reason we have prevailed where others have not is because we all love our freedoms, we all love our democracy and we all love our country;  we have always been prepared and willing to stand up and be counted on to defend these principles. 

In recent years, however, it almost seems as if we have turned our backs on our heritage.  Our ethics and morals are shot.  Greed and corruption have invaded the halls of government.  We have allowed the religious, moral and ethical principles upon which this country was founded to erode.  Indeed, we are in danger of losing our country on all fronts: social, economic, moral, ethical and democratic. 

We fled Europe to get away from oppression and here we are, just a few centuries years later, again being the oppressed. Really, whose fault is it? 

The nation awakened in 2010 and took its first giant step toward taking our country back from those who would change her into something else.  We are the caretakers of our nation now, and we must continue and complete the job in 2012.  We have every duty to our forefathers and to our descendants to step forward and renew our nation’s dedication to the principles upon which it was founded.  We need to vote out everyone who was not voted out in 2010.  We need to vote out our President and his crony thugs. 

We can do this.  We stood together in 2010; we can stand together now, hand-in-hand, elbow-to-elbow and shoulder-to-shoulder.  United we must stand to take care of our country, or divided we shall fall. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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