Wednesday, October 12, 2011



The news yesterday that Iran was engaged in a terrorism plot planned to unfold in Washington, DC should put all of us on notice: we could be vulnerable. 

At the outset, I would like to congratulate our intelligence people and the Justice Department for uncovering this plot and stopping it.  To be fair about it, the Obama Administration deserves credit for this catch. 

Now comes the problem.  Iran is definitely working on atomic weapons and may in fact have them already.  Their rush to develop missiles capable of carrying a nuclear payload is indicative that their program is probably much further along than we would like to believe.  And, their stated objective to move naval ships off our shores underscores the fact that they do not believe our current President is going to do anything about it. 

In fact, we have to ask ourselves: If this last plot had been successful and the Saudi Arabian and Israeli embassies in Washington had been destroyed, would Obama have retaliated?  Realistically, it seems that Obama has done everything he can to undermine our national security. 

We have to consider this issue carefully as we now begin to decide who will lead the nation beginning in January 2013. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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