Thursday, October 06, 2011



It now appears that the two major scandals in Washington, "FAST AND FURIOUS" and Solyndra, have tentacles that reach all of the way to top White House Officials.  In fact, a defiant Barack Obama has already said that he stands behind his decision to extend $535 million in federal loan guarantees to Solyndra, although he did not discuss the political contributions he did receive in campaign years 2008 and 2012 from top officials of that company. 

This morning, word is that three more companies which received help from the White House are also in financial trouble and that they also made substantial political contributions to Obama's 2008 campaign.  

In yesterday's post on THE BURNEY MOUNTAIN HERMIT, I alluded to my belief that the knowledge of Fast and Furious also reached into the White House and that I thought Rahm Emanuel may also have been involved.  Today. we know for certain that "top White House officials" also were in on this action. 

A President and/or his Administration simply cannot continue to display open arrogance and contempt for the power and will of the people without crossing the boundaries of ethics or committing crimes, and that appears to be the case here.  Each scandal is grounds for impeachment on its own if it is proven that Obama also knew of and approved these activities.  Put them together it it is almost a certainty that impeachment will be the inevitable result.  Obama's Chicago-style mobster Presidency may end sooner than the end of his first term. a possibility I have been saying from the first day of his Presidency, that he would not finish his first term. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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