Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Those six Navy Seals who stormed into Osama’s compound and extracted his life may be in the verge of getting the shaft from the United States Government… in more than one way. 

Since time immemorial, members of the U.S. armed forces who choose to make a career out of, for 20 or 30 years, have been entitled to begin drawing their retirement pay the moment they retire and regardless of age.  When that structure was set up, it must be assumed that a decision was made as to how much in total a retiree should draw in a typical scenario until his death, and that figure was then divided by the number of years until anticipated death to arrive at an annual benefit. 

Now, the Feds want to screw the military by saying they get the same monthly retirement pay but can’t start drawing it until they are 65.  This means that they are being screwed out of 25 to 28 years of pay. 

But, that’s not the end of it.  There’s another move afoot to curtail other retirement benefits, such as medical.  President Obama originally wanted military personnel to pay for their own medical costs and insurance.  After being shouted down by the nation over that issue, Obama retreated.  But, the suggestion is being brought back to life that military personnel should be insured and that they should pay all or a major portion of the premiums, plus deductibles. 

A new twist in the works would provide that retired military personnel get absolutely no medical benefits at all, and that V.A. clinics and hospitals would not treat them except for service-related sickness and injury. 

These are the people who protect our nation, working far more than eight hours a day and five days a week.  These are the people who lay their lives on the line to do their duty to our country at substandard wages, living below the poverty line in far too many cases.  Yes, these numbers include those six Navy Seals who got Bin Laden who are about to get those shafts. 

Sometimes, this country and our government make me want to puke. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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