Thursday, May 05, 2011



The halo around his head made it difficult to distinguish him at first; Obama looked so Presidential this morning in New York City.  There he was in all of his glory, making political hay on the backs of the Navy heroes who delivered his long overdue justice in the middle of the night in Pakistan.  This is our President, the man who would take away our guns and our liberties, the man who would turn us into a socialistic society, the man who would be the Czar Supreme of the United States if we would let him, now acting out the role of an American Patriot at the holy place where 3,000 people died ten years ago. 

Remember how Presidential he looked when he received the Nobel Peace Prize?  

I'm thinking that we should quit bellyaching about his going out to play golf in the middle of international crisis.  With practice, you know, he could take on Tiger Woods or anyone else for that matter.  He's an excellent athlete, having played basketball with Michael Jordan and the boys.  Remember how he ducked out on the troops at the hospital on an overseas trip so he could go shoot some baskets?  Put some sunglasses on this dude, and he'd surely be the Mr. Cool of all time.  

But, back to the golf.  How do you think he is going to look when they invite him down to the Masters and lay one of those famous green jackets on him?  Why, he'll look Presidential, of course.  

I wonder if he would look just as Presidential if we got our budget under control and found some jobs for millions of Americans.  I wonder if he'd look just as Presidential if we resolved the immigration issues at the borders, or if we dealt effectively with North Korea or Iran?  I wonder if he'd look just as Presidential if he quit lying and spinning the truth and got down to the business of being... a real President?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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