Monday, January 18, 2016



The Bureau of Land Management, long at odds with ranchers and farmers in the west over the management of federal grazing and ranching lands, has been involved in a massive failure of one of its fundamental duties... the protection of wild horses.   The BLM, under pressure from animal welfare activists, has finally admitted that it sold about 1,800 wild horses to a Colorado rancher who subsequently sent them off to Mexican slaughter houses, a clear violation of federal law.  

The rancher, Tom Davis, has close ties to Obama's former Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar.  Davis made a $154,000 profit and the taxpayers picked up the $140,000 transportation costs.  After review, the Department of Justice has decided not to pursue criminal or civil charges against those involved.  

The flagrant disregard for the law by Obama and those in his charge is most insidious.  We must never again allow ourselves to elect such a dangerous person to the presidency, or such corrupt wusses to Congress.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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