Monday, November 02, 2015



Hundreds of students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina, walked out of class on Friday in support of  Ben Fields, the Richland County sheriff’s deputy who forcefully removed a non-compliant student earlier in the week.  The protest was uneventful and over in a matter of a few minutes.  

Personally, I think it's a huge mistake to allow students to disrupt the classroom and to place school officials in a position where they cannot do anything about it.  I've said before that the only difference I would have made in the action the officer took would have been to call for another officer or school official to assist in dealing with it.  I would have advised the student that she had to comply with the instructions or that she would be removed from the classroom, and at that point I would have done exactly what Ben Fields did.  

I've also said that I suspect the whole incident was a deliberate setup.  Students in the classroom were supposed to have their cell phones off; yet, as soon as the ruckus started, cell phone video recordings started.  

I applaud the students who walked out in support of Fields.  They show the strength of their convictions and they show good upbringing.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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