Thursday, November 12, 2015



All of us who have spent any time in the military and those of us who took American History in school know that our country has been systematically stripped of its defensive capabilities under Hussein Obama.  We are left, at this moment, with five aircraft carriers in the entire Naval fleet, none of which are stationed in or near the Middle East which is "the" hot-spot of the world.  In fact, our overall military posture is now at its lowest measure of preparedness since before World War II.  

Obama is now planning to shut down the nation's last uranium enrichment plant, located in Ohio.  This leaves us in the position of having a dwindling supply to meet our national security needs. 

In the meantime, he is allowing Iran to continue with 6,000 centrifuges in its enrichment program.   Furthermore, how does it sit with you to realize that we will be in the untenable position of having to look at Russia to sell us such material?   

All of our armed forces are hurting for modernized weapons and for proper maintenance of existing weapons systems.  

The fact that Obama doesn't seem to care... seems to be actively causing this reduction in readiness... seems to me to be treasonous and an impeachable offense.  If it's this bad today, how bad will it be when he is scheduled to leave office?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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