Monday, November 30, 2015



Obama is off to Paris for his treasured climate change summit and the I.S.I.S. and Al Qaeda terrorists are shuddering in fear of this powerful rebuke.  Is it possible that the Nobel Prince of Peace could waive his hands in the air and the earth would open up and swallow the terrorists?  

Well, that may sound a tad facetious, especially when you consider that Obama's real war is on global warming.  One of these days, he just might wake up and realize that the heat emanating from the guns, bombs and cannons of the terrorists are probably contributing to "global warming."  If that ever happens, you can bet that he'll finally send in the storm troopers to kill off those terrorists.  That's the only reason he'll ever get serious with his Muslim buddies in the terrorist training camps.  

They're starting to call him names: delirious comes to mind.  Frankly, I think he has become a lunatic.  Maybe he's planning on moving to Syria after he leaves office and that's the real reason that he wants to bring the Syrian terrorists to the United States?  One thing is for certain: his presidency has become downright preposterous... absurd... maniacal.  And that's being polite about it.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.    

Thursday, November 26, 2015



Wednesday, November 25, 2015



I never thought that I would see our country in this position in my lifetime.  But, here we are.  

It is apparent that our nation needs to formally declare war against terrorism, to legally wrestle control of our military from Obama to give wartime powers to the Pentagon.  

Obama does not have the ability, for whatever reason, to be in charge of our national security for even one more hour.  

In order to accomplish what we must do, we citizens may first have to declare war against our "president." 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015



Some 82 individuals in the United States have been interdicted by federal agents as part of ISIS plots, according to a database compiled by Threat Knowledge Group.  Also, some 250 more have attempted to join ISIS.  Syrians, headed to the U.S. with fake passports have been stopped in Honduras.  More Syrians made it to the Mexican border; how many were able to sneak across without being caught is unknown, but what IS known is this:  

Some 150 passengers on a flight from Mexico to JFK Airport were misdirected and allowed to leave the airport without going through customs, where they would have to show passports or visas and have their luggage searched.  It is not known at the time of writing this post where those 150 passengers originated or what their nationalities were.  

Your president has made it clear: He doesn't care what you or I or the vast majority of other Americans think or want: he's bringing Syrian refugees into the country and he is lying... lying... (I'll say it again..." LYING when he tells you they have been vetted.  Virtually every top national law enforcement agency has come out and admitted, there is NO way that these refugees can be vetted.  

Obviously, there is no national security.  

Have a Happy and, hopefully, safe Thanksgiving.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, November 23, 2015



Once again in the aftermath of terrorism gone amok, we hear the matter-of-fact statement that we'd better get used to it... that we're going to have not only one, but continuous attacks of these types right here in the United States.  


If this president, or any other president for that matter settles for that measure as his standard of national security in America, there is going to be hell to pay.  

It's not going to be pretty when we citizens stand up and take matters into our own hands. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Now we have Mali.  Who knows what will happen tomorrow, or where?  

What's even worse is that we have a so-called president who refuses... refuses... to come to grips with the nature of the threat.  In the process, he places the security of this nation and the safety of every person in the world in jeopardy.  

He is like a deer in the headlights, but he doesn't seem to care if the car full of bombs keeps coming or not.  

We have to come to the realization that this "man" is dangerous and that we are in more danger today than at any time in our history since when the British were coming.  

Every day, the danger increases.  Every day, Obama digs further in to his position of defending Islam.  

We cannot allow this situation to continue.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, November 20, 2015



BREITBART.COM is reporting that six men from Pakistan and Afghanistan have been caught coming across the border from Mexico into Arizona and that eight Syrians with stolen passports have been apprehended at the Texas border.  The six in Arizona were caught 16 miles into the U.S. at Patagonia.  The eight Syrians were caught at Laredo, Texas, posing as family units.  

In the meantime, the NEW YORK TIMES is reporting that a 2012 report to the White House by the Defense Intelligence Agency warned about the growth and capabilities of ISIS and that the White House knowingly and deliberately buried the report because, "It didn't fit the narrative."  

And Obama is saying he doesn't give a damn what Congress is doing, he's going to bring Syrian refugees here whether we like it or not.  

Sleep well tonight; Obama is protecting you.    

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015



By his actions and words over the last few days since the Paris attacks, Barack Hussein Obama has proven beyond any doubt that he is a traitor to American ideals and beliefs, and our Constitution.  I cannot adequately describe in words the level of contempt I have for this scrimy, slimy scum.  

His citizenship should be revoked and he should be given a one way ticket to the heart of Islam, which he adores so much.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015



James Comey, head of the F.B.I., is pleading with Congress for more money and more help.  He says over 900 investigations into terrorist activities in the U.S. are currently under way and that he just doesn't have enough agents or resources to do the job properly.  Not only is the F.B.I. working these terrorist cases, but it is also investigating cyber crime, the Mexican drug cartel and other ominous threats while trying to keep a handle on bank robbers, human trafficking, organized crime, urban violence and other offenses, not to mention the Clinton investigation.  

There are about 10,000 agents, which is not very many when you consider the number of threats we are facing in the country today.  Frankly, they are spread very thin and the Obama administration has been reluctant to approve additional hiring.  In fact, the Obama administration has consistently refused to acknowledge that there are terrorist cells and ongoing activities in the country; several major incidents have resulted in the White House calling the events anything and everything except terrorism.  

We can no longer afford the luxury of turning a blind eye to terrorism, nor should we be handcuffing the F.B.I. by refusing to provide them with the resources they need to do their jobs.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, November 17, 2015



The time has come for all true, red-blooded Americans to stand up and do something about the situation we now find ourselves in.  

Are you up to the task?

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, November 16, 2015



As I said in my Saturday post on BURNEY MOUNTAIN HERMIT and regarding the terrorist attack in Paris, "There, but for the grace of God," that could have been a U.S. city getting attacked.  Now, you can call it what you want, but it is Islamic terrorism, pure and simple.  Obama can preface that label with "radical," to be more narrowly descriptive if he wants, but it's still Islamic terrorism.  

I'm, not even sure that "radical" would be appropriately descriptive; after all, how many "non-radical" Islamists have stood up and castigated the "radical" Islamists in the past two decades?  There may have been three or four, but I can't remember them, and the fact is that there are tens of millions of Islamists on this planet...  1.6 billion of them.  

By their silence, they submit to the dominance and the agenda of "radical" Islam.  

Our so-called "president" has done everything he can to avoid the obvious truth: Islam, as a religion, wants to eliminate the "infidels", you and me, from the face of the earth and they will stop at nothing... nothing... in order to accomplish their objective.  Any one of us who thinks differently is in pathological denial.  

We need to freeze access to the United States, to deny entry to any Muslim immigrant or visitor effective immediately.  We need to set aside "political correctness" and to start immediate surveillance of activities by Muslims already in this country and we need to be prepared to charge them with terrorist activities in advance of any Paris-style attack, convict them and deport them... I don't give a damn if it breaks up families or not.   They've had plenty of opportunity to stand up and show their allegiance to our country and they have chosen not to do so.  

The battle lines have been drawn, and if Barack Hussein Obama continues to stand with the enemy, he must be removed.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, November 14, 2015


In the course of American history, there have always been boundaries of propriety in the conduct of human affairs.  We may have the Constitutional luxury of free speech, but we recognize certain limits beyond which civilized man simply doesn't venture; otherwise, he gets labeled as being a lunatic and someone to be avoided at every opportunity.  

So far this season, I had narrowed my presidential favorites down to four, being Trump, Carson, Rubio and Cruz.  After this 95-minute diatribe by Trump Thursday night, during which he dared to firmly cross that aforementioned demarcation line, I have arrived at the opinion that he is a total cad, totally unworthy of the highest political office in this great land.  

At first, of course, he was a welcome change from the political status quo.  He appears to be of above average intelligence and capable of running just about anything, but he has become demonstrably crude and rude.  He has also made it clear that, like Barack Hussein Obama, he thinks that a common American in this country is beneath his dignity to treat with respect.  

I don't need a boisterous carnival-barker in the White House; I need a leader, a patriot and a diplomat.  

I do want a change from the status quo; we all do.  But, I don't want another jackass in the White House who thinks he can tread all over the rest of us.  My new short list consists of Carson, Cruz, Rubio and Huckabee.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Friday, November 13, 2015



Not only do college students demand... demand, mind you... free tuition, they demand $15 per hour minimum wages, they demand all existing college debts be forgiven, and... they demand the right to tell you what you can say and not say about any subject they choose.  

If you don't like it, that's tough shish-kebab.  

We'd better be careful or they will burn the campuses down.  And we can't call the cops, because that's racist.  

I'm angry, and I'm not going to put up with it.  As an American, I've had just about enough of this shish-kebab.  No punk ass kid is going to dictate what I have to pay for or what I have to say about it. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015



All of us who have spent any time in the military and those of us who took American History in school know that our country has been systematically stripped of its defensive capabilities under Hussein Obama.  We are left, at this moment, with five aircraft carriers in the entire Naval fleet, none of which are stationed in or near the Middle East which is "the" hot-spot of the world.  In fact, our overall military posture is now at its lowest measure of preparedness since before World War II.  

Obama is now planning to shut down the nation's last uranium enrichment plant, located in Ohio.  This leaves us in the position of having a dwindling supply to meet our national security needs. 

In the meantime, he is allowing Iran to continue with 6,000 centrifuges in its enrichment program.   Furthermore, how does it sit with you to realize that we will be in the untenable position of having to look at Russia to sell us such material?   

All of our armed forces are hurting for modernized weapons and for proper maintenance of existing weapons systems.  

The fact that Obama doesn't seem to care... seems to be actively causing this reduction in readiness... seems to me to be treasonous and an impeachable offense.  If it's this bad today, how bad will it be when he is scheduled to leave office?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015



BREITBART.COM reports: "A convicted terrorist has been caught trying to smuggle himself into Europe by posing as an asylum seeker, in a stark event proving correct those who warned of terrorists taking advantage of the European Union’s lax border controls.  Ben Nasr Mehdi, a Tunisian who was first arrested in Italy in 2007 and sentenced to seven years imprisonment for plotting terror attacks with an Islamic State-linked group, was caught trying to re-enter the country last month."  Italian authorities evidently tried to hide the discovery.  

The Obama administration is saying it will take in some 200,000 of the Middle East refugees.  The possibility looms that Mehdi, or others like him, could be among those refugees and the administration has also admitted that it does not have the ability to check into the backgrounds of said refugees.  

What's wrong with this picture?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, November 09, 2015



Saturday, I posted on BURNEY MOUNTAIN HERMIT that Obama was in the process of defying the vast majority of Americans and the expressed legislation of Congress by going ahead and closing Gitmo, and that he would either release terrorists or transfer them to a stateside prison.  Later on Saturday and after that blog was published, administration and Pentagon officials revealed that Obama plans to ship  terrorists to a prison in Colorado, arguing the move would be in the United States’ best financial, national security and foreign policy interests and in the name of justice.  

It appears that approximately 55 of the 112 terrorists will be released, without charges and without trial, while the "Junior Varsity" I.S.I.S. team continues to wreak havoc around the globe.    

A decision to select a stateside facility would legally require congressional approval, something U.S. lawmakers say is unlikely. However, Josh Earnest has suggested Obama has not ruled out the possibility of using an executive order to close the facility.  

In my opinion, if Obama is ever going to be impeached, this is the straw that will break the donkey's back.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, November 07, 2015


The Democrat establishment has already made it's choice for president, anointing known liar and elitist Hillary Clinton as their candidate.  So, their hierarchy, the media, the press and the liberal zombies... are now all lining up to defend her so-called honor and to prevent her from being dethroned before she even gets there.  Predictably, anyone who says even the slightest mean thing about her gets automatically labeled as being anti-feminist, or a member of that vast right-wing conspiracy... even a member of the {gasp} NRA.  

The Republican establishment, on the other hand, is in a challenging dilemma.  They desperately want Bush on the ticket, their second choice being Christie.  In their view, all of the votes and support are being "stolen" by Trump and Carson.  And the Dems, upon examining the polls, know that either one of them could handily trump Clinton next November.  Therefore, the impetus is on for both hierarchies to put Carson and Trump quickly and deeply in the ditch along the road to the White House.  

So the inevitable attacks have begun.  Trump declares bankruptcy every five minutes, Carson didn't have the family history he portrays and Fiorina's great-geat-great grandmother was a Salem witch.  Politics are nasty, and the rule is that if you cannot win an office on your merits, then you need to destroy your opponent.  It's not about where you stand on the borders or on nukes for Iran... it's about Rubio's finances being in a shambles and Cruz being a leper. 

I think that this time around, however, will not be like the election season of 2008 or 2012.  I think Americans see through it and that they've had enough.  THIS time around, I think we're going to elect somebody who is actually an energetic, patriotic and capable American. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, November 06, 2015



That's the amount Obama intends to spend to bring each Muslim refugee here from Syria... 35,000 refugees at $2.3 billion.  Don't forget that we already have an historically high number of people in this country who cannot... cannot get into the labor force.  The average American who IS working is only making $26,000.  

There will also be an adverse economic impact due to the increased costs of education in the public school systems, law enforcement, healthcare and welfare.  Add this tab to the costs of 10,000 illegal aliens crossing our border every month and I submit to you that this country has a problem... a big problem.  

Its name is Barack Hussein Obama.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Thursday, November 05, 2015



The number of people in the United States who believe in God, particularly among the younger generation, is on the decline.  

The fundamental tenets of any lasting and just society are embodied in the principles of religion.  Therefore, I submit, the decrease in the number of people who believe in God is directly related to the rise of crime, the breakdown of the family unit and the advance of Marxist Socialism in the United States.  

But, who's fault is it that belief in God is on the skids?  

If you tool around the Internet and take a look at the websites of major religions in the country, what you are predominantly going to find is a sterile environment.  They don't address the major issues of the day, such as drugs, sex, the economy, crime, infidelity... Instead, the message is, "Come join our church because WE have the answers.  Bring money."  

I always thought that if your were going to minister the word of God, you need to reach out to the people.  I don't think that is happening in the vast majority of religious organizations in the country today.  And when the family unit is being destroyed on so many fronts, young people need a place to turn to to get the parental advice and guidance they no longer get at home.  

Either churches and their ministers need to get back to the basics of serving their parishioners, or they need to fold their tents, climb on their make-believe donkeys and go home.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, November 04, 2015



Back to the CNBC presidential debate... Virtually everyone except the far left agrees that the entire line of questioning and the demeanor presented by the moderators was shabby to say the least.  To their credit, as far as I am concerned, the candidates have decided to change the way the debates are structured in order to make them more relevant and to rein in the attack mentality of the liberal media.  

That is a change long overdue, but I hear members of the media... including FOX NEWS... postulating that if a candidate can't handle those lousy questions and attitudes, then maybe he or she is not fit to be president.  

That is a liberal cop-out if I've ever heard one.  They're defending rude and irrelevant questions by fellow "journalists?"  

Come on... give me a break.  Have you lost ALL sense of journalistic deportment?  Is there no one left in this country except me who has the guts to stand up for what is right and proper? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, November 03, 2015



It's obvious with the popularity of Trump, Carson and Fiorina that we Americans are sick and tired of "politics as usual."  

There's a political culture to the effect that it is more important to win than it is to serve.  After all, supporters of that philosophy would say, you can't serve if you don't win.  "Say anything you have to say in order to get elected."  The press, the media and the pundits all play into that game, encouraging a "shift" in rhetoric wherever necessary for the candidate to improve his or her poll numbers.  

That tactic is, as far as I am concerned, "politics as usual."  

Here you have Jeb Bush, unable to get traction in the polls, saying over the weekend that he's going to have make more "cute political" remarks.  He says he was brought up to be who you really are and to be honest about it, but he surmises that change is necessary.  Therefore, he is saying that he would rather mislead us than to tell it like it really is.  

I suspect.. in fact I know, as you well know... Bush is not the only guy on the political stage who is apparently willing to say anything or do anything in order to get elected.  And what do we, the citizens, get out of such deceitful manipulation?  The epitome of the description of a lying, two-faced politician... a Barack Obama.  

I'm sorry, Jeb; if you're willing to sell your soul, your upbringing, your honesty... in order to get elected, you don't stand a chance in my book.  

We Americans are, for the first time in decades, paying attention to what we hear.  And, for the first time in decades, we're in the mood to chase the phony ponies out of town, whether they are running for president, the Senate or the House.  Our broom has been renewed,and we intend to use it to sweep clean.  If you can't speak the truth about who you are and what your views really are, we have no use for you. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, November 02, 2015



Hundreds of students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina, walked out of class on Friday in support of  Ben Fields, the Richland County sheriff’s deputy who forcefully removed a non-compliant student earlier in the week.  The protest was uneventful and over in a matter of a few minutes.  

Personally, I think it's a huge mistake to allow students to disrupt the classroom and to place school officials in a position where they cannot do anything about it.  I've said before that the only difference I would have made in the action the officer took would have been to call for another officer or school official to assist in dealing with it.  I would have advised the student that she had to comply with the instructions or that she would be removed from the classroom, and at that point I would have done exactly what Ben Fields did.  

I've also said that I suspect the whole incident was a deliberate setup.  Students in the classroom were supposed to have their cell phones off; yet, as soon as the ruckus started, cell phone video recordings started.  

I applaud the students who walked out in support of Fields.  They show the strength of their convictions and they show good upbringing.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.