Tuesday, April 30, 2013



Here's a nation full of bellyachers, a nation that complains about the high price of gas, the outrageous budget deficit, the endless attempts to raise taxes, immigration, the lack of national security, corruption in government, gun control, ObamaCare, violence, the Great Benghazi Massacre cover-up, abortion, gay marriage, inflation, the Keystone Pipeline, North Korea, Iran, unemployment and the economy.  

It seems like Americans are complaining about everything.  

And, what does all of that complaining accomplish? 


All of that complaining won't mean or accomplish a damned thing until we decide to do something about it. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, April 29, 2013



On Monday, April 29, the state Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to hear several anti-gun bills.  Please call AND e-mail members of the Senate Appropriations Committee urging them to OPPOSE these anti-gun bills that will have no effect on reducing crime.  

Anti-gun bills to be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee on Monday, April 29:

Senate Bill 108 (Yee) requires mandatory locked storage of firearms within a locked house regardless of whether anyone is present. (Try and unlock the safe while a thug is breaking down your door)

Senate Bill 293 (DeSaulnier) BANS the sale of conventional handguns, if the state Department of Justice approves the sale of “Owner Authorized – Smart” handgun technology.  (And, what about the millions of handguns already out there?)

Senate Bill 299 (DeSaulnier) turns victims of firearm theft into criminals for failing to report the loss of their firearm within 48 hours. (What if I'm in Europe on vacation?)

Senate Bill 475 (Leno) requires the prior approval of the board of supervisors of both the County of San Mateo and the City and County of San Francisco to allow a gun show at the Cow Palace. (Arbitrary and discriminantory, they've been trying to ban gun shows there in various attempts for decades)

Don't forget to forward this alert to your family, friends and fellow gun owners throughout California and urge them to do the same.  We need all of California gun owners and Second Amendment supporters to continually call AND e-mail state legislators opposing all anti-gun legislation. The California Legislature needs to know that these egregious attacks against law-abiding citizens must stop.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013


I’ve heard a couple of propositions from well-known people that the United States is just as much to blame for the carnage in Boston as the perpetrators themselves.  In both cases, the theory was met with a firestorm of denial and outrage.  I thought to myself, “Those guys should be shot for sedition.  How can you blame America for this horrendous act?” 

Then, I got out of the house and took a drive around my own backyard, areas I haven’t visited because I was “too busy” during these seven years since I moved here to make the effort.  And, it was during this brief hiatus that I came to the realization that, indeed, we Americans ARE to blame.  My argument revolves around who we used to be as a nation, what we became and how we now portray ourselves to the world. 

We were a nation born of rebuke of high taxes and oppressive rule.  We were a nation founded upon religious principles with the highest of ethics, morals and standards… almost to the point of puritanism in its most absolute forms.  We went to church on Sundays, we shunned immorality, and we were not afraid to defend any attack on our liberties, or justice system or on our ways of life.  If you murdered someone, you got hung.  If you raped someone, you might get hung or castrated or both.  You didn’t have kids out of wedlock and any thought of abortion made you sick to your stomach.  Marriage was an institution and divorce was unheard of.  We emerged in the 1950’s as a strong nation, well-respected in the international community.  Those were the days when the President, Congress and the Supreme Court recognized their roles as servants of the people, and acted accordingly. 

What we have become today would be entirely foreign and repulsive to our forefathers.  We’ve lost four wars, (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan).  People don’t even bother to get married; they just move in with each other and start screwing.  Murder and rape garner a mere slap on the wrist.  We not only tolerate a corrupt, power-hungry government, but we encourage it by ignoring our basic responsibilities as citizens in a democracy.  We depict bad behavior in our various forms of entertainment and place those who create it on a pedestal. 

We portray ourselves as being weak, immoral, self-absorbed elitists.  We are well-known liars, both to our own people and to our world allies.  We are no longer content as a nation in living a good life, we are bound and determined to stick our collective noses into the internal affairs of other nations and we use taxpayer money to get what we want, wherever we want.  We do not display strength, but weakness.  We do not display character, but evil.  We are not good neighbors; we are the bully on the block.  We don’t see our commitments in to the end. 

The admiration we ourselves and nations around the world once had for our country has dissolved into disgust.  We suffer from low self-esteem.  We have an “I don’t care” attitude.  We’re like battered women, huddling in the darkness and waiting for the next shoe to drop. 

Why WOULDN’T some radical, left-wing extremist want to take a shot at us?  There will be no retribution.  Who would WANT to be our ally? We can't be trusted.   

I have a favorite saying that applies whenever adversity strikes, whether it be in business or a relationship.  As a nation, we need to follow it.  “It’s time to get back to our roots, the ideas and ideals upon which we were founded.”  It’s time to set aside internal bickering and self-serving politics.  We need to contemplate where we started, (as in Paragraph three).  We need to reach again for those high standards that made us a great nation. 

This nation needs to return to excellence. 

To settle for anything else is to invite further self-degradation, further condemnation, and further attack. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Friday, April 26, 2013



One of the arguments before the passage of ObamaCare was that Congress was shoving the plan on all Americans and not subjecting its own members to the same plan.  Obama, Reid and Pelosi assured the country that the cushy plan Congressional Members are still under would be converted to ObamaCare.  That magnanimous concession was made in the days just before Pelosi's famous "You'll get a chance to read it's foggy language after it's passed" line. 

Now that it's finally being read by a few of the people who passed it, it turns out that the law did not include provisions for the funding and establishment of an insurance exchange for Congress.  My, what an oversight!  How could that possibly happen? Holy shit, Batman!

Well, as the day rapidly approaches, there have been some in high places in both parties of Congress, meaning Reid and Pelosi, who have been whispering to each other that now is the time to exempt Members of Congress from the ObamaCare disaster on the basis that there's no funding and no insurance exchange. 

Isn't that all just a fine kettle of bullshit stew?  How many bowls are you going to buy? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013



House Republicans in five House committees have cleared the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence in the Benghazi massacre, laying the blame squarely at the feet of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: Obama and the State Department set the military up for failure.   Obama’s team lied about the attacks afterward, first by blaming mob violence spawned by an anti-Muslim video, and then wrongly saying it had misled the public because it was trying to protect an FBI investigation.  Since that time, the Administration has steadfastly refused to allow anyone to talk to survivors of the massacre and has directed those involved at the time to clam up.  Question of Clinton and other by Congress amounted to smoke and mirrors and a carnival side show. 

The report says that intelligence sources has been passing warnings to the State Department and the White House, both of which ignored the warning and failed to act.  "Senior State Department officials, [Clinton included], knew that the threat environment in Benghazi was high and that the Benghazi compound was vulnerable and unable to withstand an attack, yet the department continued to systematically withdraw security personnel," the report states.

We still don't know why Susan Rice went to five different national talk-shows and lied.  We remain unclear as to what happened at Benghazi and we still do not know who did it or why.  The Administration continues in its outright, blatant stonewalling.  

Americans deserve better than this.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013



I don't know about you, but I've heard every excuse, tall tale, and outright method of obfuscation and stonewalling that God ever invented.  No one cares about our Ambassador and three brave Americans who died in Benghazi?  Congress basically fluffed it off with a lot of rhetoric and now they are letting it die?  Obama won't allow anyone to talk?  


That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013



The time for niceties and political correctness has passed.  The Boston Marathon Bombing makes it clear that we have enemies among us.  This is intolerable. 

Do we sit around the living room watching Sesame Street, waiting for the next shoe to drop?  If there is a murderer on the loose, do we wait until he pulls the trigger to do anything about it? 

The authorities are all admitting that the country has terrorist cells in it and that many Muslim Mosques are radicalized Mosques fomenting anger and hatred against the United States.  The radicals are all waiting for the call to Jihad or for when the situation is ripe to strike.  Why should we continue to be sitting ducks in our own country? 

These radicals, Muslim or not, need to be identified and neutralized.  If that means shipping a bunch of innocent Muslims out of the country, so be it; I have yet to hear any outrage from the Muslim communities over what happened in Boston.  Their silence is ominous and says everything we need to know about where their true loyalties lie. 

Let's rid ourselves of the scourge that is waiting on our own doorsteps, waiting to kill us all off.  The sooner the better.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, April 22, 2013



Now that we can pause and reflect about what happened to our nation last week, there are so many questions that need to be answered:

  1. Why, just a week after the Boston Bombing, do we have one dead suspect and another in the hospital and we know so much about them already, but well over seven months down the road, we don't know spit about Benghazi?  
  2. What will it take to get the Benghazi Massacre answers?   
  3. If we knew that the Cambridge Muslim Mosque was fostering radicalism, why didn't we have an undercover agent in it?
  4. Why do we allow any group that advocates the killings of Christians and Jews and violence against Americans to exist in this country? 
  5. Why didn't the FBI pursue the Russian lead regarding Tamerlan Tsarnaev?
  6. Why don't we hear an outcry from the Muslims in thus country against the Boston Bombings? 
  7. How can you even think about disarming American citizens when we have enemies living among us?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Only days after the U.S. Senate turned down sweeping legislation on gun control, President Barack Hussein Obama is now furiously writing new Executive Orders to force his will on the American people, according to Vice-President Joe Biden during a telephone call with gun control "stakeholders" Thursday.  Should this happen, and there is every reason to believe it will, such orders would certainly be unconstitutional and therefore be impeachable offenses.  

There is a school of thought that the only reason impeachment proceedings have not already been started against Obama for past offenses is that authorities fear a "race war."   

As Americans, the time is rapidly approaching when we are going to have to stand up for our country; frankly, we should have done so months ago.  We have a de facto dictator in charge of the country already; virtually no one has displayed the guts and courage to stand up to him except, of course, for Dr. Ben Carson.  I think Obama underestimates the will of the American people and that, should he enact such Executive Orders, the move may well ignite a new American Revolution.  Should we allow such moves to go unanswered, such a lack of will on our part would surely signal the imminent end of American Democracy and of the United States of America as we know it.  

These are not empty words.  Any person who has studied world history to any significant degree must recognize that the stage has already been set for the downfall of the American republic.  With only a few more moves, the takeover of our country can be completed.   

These are dangerous times for America.  We cannot afford to let our guards down for even a brief moment.  We must be constantly attuned to what is going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Street and prepared to respond to the call to action.  Yes, the Liberty Bell is cracked; we must not allow it to be torn totally apart by a pretender to the American throne.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, April 19, 2013



Now that the Senate has failed to pass a new gun control measure, what should be next when it comes to dealing with things like Newtown?  Should we just drop it and move on?  

While I am sincerely relieved that the background check bill did not pass, I am convinced that there really is an answer to gun violence in general, knife violence, bomb violence, baseball bat violence and other types of violence being played out on the streets of America every day.  What that answer is I do not know, but I do believe it involves the destruction of the family unit, the breakdown of religious principles, the depiction of violence in many entertainment forums and the bad-ass ugly attitude being passed down throughout America from Washington D.C. in total.  

We need to take a deep breath, step back from the political rush to judgment on gun control, and investigate probable and likely causes of violence.  We need to gather knowledgeable professionals to do a collaborative, non-partisan study into the cause and the solutions; then, we need to set a course toward achieving less violence in general across all levels of our society.  Our tax dollars would be far more wisely spent on such an effort than on a study of the mating practices of the desert tortoise. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013



Not only do we have constant threats to our country from the Middle East and North Korea, but we are now obviously faced again with the threat of terrorist activities on our homeland, whether they be domestic or foreign.  The government talking heads are quick to suggest that we are going to have to improve our security procedures in America and to be prepared to give up some of our freedoms. 


Why do we need to become prisoners in our own country?  We do we need to give up our rights in exchange for security?  Where I come from is where my ancestors in this country came from; my freedoms and liberties are so dear to me that I am willing to fight to preserve them for myself and my posterity.  This American is not going to roll over and play dead for anyone. 

There are other ways to deal with this.  It starts with being more selective on whom we let into this country and under what circumstances they can come.  What’s wrong with taking a good, thorough look at entrants who are not already citizens?  It continues by exercising the right to expel non-Americans for anti-American activities and for providing an avenue to strip a person of his citizenship for un-American activities.  We need to bring the teachings of history and civics back into the classroom and, I think we need to require two years of service to our country in the military or peace corps in order to instill American patriotism. 

We also need to educate ourselves in how terrorists do their work so that we can be constantly on a citizen’s alert, keeping our eyes and ears open for signs of trouble.  The very last thing we need to do is to strip Americans of their rights to bear arms. 

I do not want to give up any freedom and I’ll be damned if I will willingly do so.  That’s not what being an American means to me. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



Both cities start with the letter “B.”  It’s 4,825.3 air miles from Boston to Benghazi and takes approximately 10 hours and 1 minute in flight time.  Both cities have been the scene of horrific terrorist acts within the last eight months.  In both cases, the President promised a full-scale effort to bring those responsible to justice.  It then appears that he shut the investigation into Benghazi down and started to mislead and stonewall the American public. 

As this post is being created, it is too early to determine whether the Boston bombings were the result of domestic or foreign terrorism.  My gut feeling is that it was the result of foreign terrorism. 

The whole nation is turning to Boston and demanding answers.  We want to know who did it, why they did it and what we are going to do about it.  In Benghazi, we had an ambassador and three employees savagely massacred on American soil at a foreign consulate, with an unknown number of others injured. 

Why is there no outrage about Benghazi? 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.