Wednesday, October 31, 2012



I don't know about you, but I've found that trying to talk sense with a die-hard Obama fan, a radical left-wing liberal, is like trying carry on a conversation with a post.  These people never bother to open their eyes to what is going on in our country until an election comes up.  They are then so mesmerized by what the media and the press are endlessly chanting that they become like mindless zombies. 

These are the same people who loved Hitler until he took total power.... mindless zombies.  

There are those of us who love our country and who pay attention to what is going on on a daily basis.   That is the way this country was designed to be run; we, the people, pay attention to what is going on and give direction to our Congressional representatives who in turn follow that direction and run this country the way WE want it run.   But, the mindless idiots who never watch the news, who never research the Internet, who never question Washington... they show up for an election and try to scream, yell and swear at us for doing the job that every American should be doing every day of the year. 

You cannot carry on a conversation with a post, and you cannot carry on a conversation with a left-wing zombie.  They all belong in the corral with the rest of the donkeys.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012



General Motors, the company that Obama bailed out with our money, is now moving many of its U.S. operations and thousands of jobs to China, according to Glenn Beck Radio on The Blaze Television Network and other major outlets.  GM has already built the world's largest automobile proving ground in China and opened 15 plants there, many of which will be making parts for U.S. cars.  

Dan Akerson, appointed by Obama to be GM's new CEO during the auto bailout, has made it clear that major portions of GM's manufacturing process are moving to China and leaving US jobs behind.  "Our commitment to working in China, with China, for China remains strong." he said, then bragging that "Seven out of ten of our vehicles were made outside the United States."  

The company currently owes the U.S. over $26 billion in bailout money, and concedes that it could not be moving so much of its manufacturing to China without that money.  GM has also been quick to say that its headquarters will stay in Detroit.  Well, my guess is that after Obama raises taxes on businesses and corporations next year, even the GM headquarters will be moved out of the country.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Monday, October 29, 2012



With all of the ongoing questions about Benghazi and the fickle finger of blame pointing more and more to the White House, there is one nagging question that no one has asked.  

Let's presume for the sake of argument that some of the denials or excuses are justified.  If you are sitting in Washington and you know that your people are under fire and, for some some reason, you can't get help to them, what do you do?  Isn't your first move to dial up Libyan President Mohammed Magarief and tell him you need help, to remind him Libya has an obligation to protect your Consulate under International Law? 

So, my question is this:  Was there communication between President Obama and/or Secretary of State Clinton with Magarief while the fighting was going on?  What was said during that conversation and why didn't Libyan forces show up?  If Magarief refused help, why didn't we get our troops in their regardless of any other ramifications?  

You have to suspect that such a call took place and the fact that the attack was terrorism would be patently clear, White House denials not withstanding.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Tyrone Woods could have been anyone’s son, mine included.  He was an American doing a job for his country with some risk, but by all accounts he liked what he was doing. 

Putting your son into this man’s shoes, he found himself holed up in an American Consulate in a foreign country on a dark night, faced with an overwhelming enemy intent on killing everyone in the compound, including a United States Ambassador.  During the terrible, scary hours that ensued, he fought with valor to his dying breath; he was found dead, slumped over his machine gun. 

While this fight was going on, he and his friends managed to get word out via email and cellphone that they were under siege.  He knew that help was only a short distance away, help that could extricate him and the rest from what was a truly desperate situation.  Drones flew overhead and he knew that his pleas for help had been heard, but also knew that they had been denied. 

So there he was, firing round after round at the enemy until a mortar landed next to him and that was that… the ultimate ending for a man left fighting alone for his country. 

Surely he must know, even in death, that our President told the world a lie about what had happened there, that it was the result of a protest gone badly, and that his President had turned his back on him and his friends.  Although those at the highest levels of government would now proceed to cover up the facts perhaps it was his hand after-the-fact that provided for the sordid details to ooze out, one dribble at a time. 

He’s your son, he’s my son.  We have the responsibility as Americans to stand with Charles Woods and to demand the truth, and to demand it be told before we go to the polls to have an election and decide whether or not the man in the White House is suitable for another four years. 

I know that I certainly would like to know… Mr. President, you had the chance.  Why didn’t you save my son? Why the lies?  Why the cover-up?  How could you possibly get on your plane and fly to Las Vegas and smile, laugh, glad-hand and campaign after letting my son die?  

What kind of a monster ARE you? 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, October 26, 2012



All of us in this country... our forefathers and children yet-to-be included... are praying that all of you who live in "swing" states will now come forward for the good of the country and help us vote this cancer on America out of office.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012




We have 23 million Americans out of work.  Our cities have become blighted by empty buildings where businesses used to thrive.  47 million people have to rely on food stamps to get by.  Virtually every family in this country has been adversely affected by our economic disaster. 

Healthcare costs, "guaranteed" to go down under ObamaCare which is already kicking in, are going up by 20% to %35 per year. Gas prices are twice what they were when Obama took office.  Food prices are escalating at unprecedented rates.  The defense industry stands on the precipice of massive layoffs. 

And now?  Barack Obama wants to raise taxes.  Jerry Brown wants to raise taxes.  Between the two of them, they want Californians to pay 50%... or more... of their income in taxes. Every school board and city in the country wants to raise taxes.  Congress wants automatic tax increases to take effect January 1st. 


That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012



What the public saw in last night's debate was more of the same.  Yes, Obama scored more on points.  But you also saw the condescending contempt in his eyes and heard it in the way he spoke.  He interrupted Romney many times, often rudely.  No Chief of State should act this way on the world stage.  

Obama told some absolute lies.  He said that our alliances with foreign nations have never been stronger, but when you read their news outlets you know that we are in fact the laughing stock of the world.  He said that he has the intelligence on Iran, as if to say "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."  But, just days ago he threw his intelligence team under the bus over the Benghazi issue.  Obama went on to say that the monicker about his "world apology tour" was a Republican lie, the greatest whopper ever told, forgetting that we all have minds and memories of our own. 

Romney was expected to blister Obama's rear-end over the Benghazi massacre and the misinformation that came forth from the last debate.  But he did not.  In fact, Romney was perhaps a little too reticent, but the striking difference between the two really came out last night.  Obama is a scrapper, liar, street-thug personality; he's the epitome of a Chicago Godfather.  Romney is a statesman, a polished leader who doesn't need to out-shout the other guy to get his point across, and he does know what he's doing.   

Obama should go run a labor union and let Romney run the country. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, carefully considered. 

Monday, October 22, 2012



The long and the short about the third debate:

There were some points raised during the debate that merit discussion by me, but I want to give them some thought first.  I think the President was aggressive, condescending and disrespectful; he consistently interrupted Romney.  Romney, on the other hand, seemed to me to stay above the gutter attacks.  When you are looking at a Presidential candidate, you want someone who can represent your country in a smooth and fluid manner; based on what I saw, Romney has it and Obama does not.  

Obama scowled throughout most of the debate; Romney smiled and remained stoic.  In summation at this point: I don't honestly feel that this country needs another four years of pernicious leadership.  Let's cut our losses and move on.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 



Yesterday, Obama's minions were out in full force on the talk-show circuit, whining about the fact that Mitt Romney commented against Obama on the Benghazi attack on day one.  That whine has been used repeatedly to try and deflect Obama's total mishandling of the massacre and his subsequent cover-up attempts. 

I suppose they would have us believe that if Romney had not opened his mouth from the get-go that the attack would never have happened?  Somehow, if Romney had not said anything until several days after the massacre, Ambassador Stevens and his three protectors would now be alive?  And, just where is the fact lost that Romney was right on target, that he called it correctly? 

Here is the truth: Romney knew what was going on two weeks before President Obama did.  Romney called it for what it was and Obama spent two weeks saying it was something else. 

After four years of this attitude, it should be clear to everyone in this country that Obama will never, ever accept responsibility for his own mistakes; he will stand there in the face of the facts and deny, deny, deny.  Is this the type of leadership we want in the White House? 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012


The General Accounting Office reported back in July that the Obama Administration is deliberately delaying an enormous increase in the cost of Medicare Advantage premiums until after the election; $8 billion in increases scheduled to go into effect October 1st are not being billed until after November, when they will be back-billed.  Additionally, $200 billion in cuts of medical care scheduled to start October 1st have also been delayed until after the election. 

The Administration is worried that seniors will revolt against the law’s cuts to Medicare Advantage and vote against Obama in November.

The mainstream press and media have been complicit in this scheme.  They did not cover the story when it originally broke.  A House Oversight Committee has been working on scheduling hearings into the matter and that fact has not been revealed to the public, either. 

Fast & Furious, Benghazi and now America’s seniors: there seem to be no end to the lengths Obama and his cronies will go to lie, cheat, scheme, twist, spin, and conceal their way into a second term which promises to be far worse for America than his first term.  They say that new housing starts have jumped to their highest level in years, yet where is the corresponding increase in construction lending?  They say they are deporting more illegals than ever, but they now count an illegal turned back at the border as being a deportation?  Unemployment percentages are down but more people are unemployed? 

In any other era of this country, these dishonest and conniving goons would have been tarred and feathered and run out of the country. 

We have a choice in November.  Do we want more of the same, or not? 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Friday, October 19, 2012



I'm sick and tired of all of the games, lies, spins and leading from behind.  I'm tired of the snot-nosed kid who refuses to accept responsibility for his actions. 

I want a President who will stand up and tell it like it is and who will run this country as a proactive leader.  I want someone in the White House who IS Presidential.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012



Well, I'm totally mystified.  Here's the problem: Obama said in the 2nd debate that he had called the Libyan massacre terrorism from the day after the attack when he made a speech in the Rose Garden.  Well, if you go back and listen to the entire statement, you realize that he used the word "terror" in a general context about dealing with overall terror and that Benghazi was not mentioned.  Furthermore, he then sent his minions out into the hinterlands for two weeks and told them to flat out deny that terrorism was involved and to insist that the attack was caused by that infamous video.  

So, you see why I'm mystified; it doesn't all add up.  But, there were a lot of things Obama said during that debate which sounded good and did not add up.  There were a lot of questions asked that he never answered, such as... well, if he really did say terrorism and meant in that way, and he just had his Ambassador and three others killed the night before, why did he get on a plane and fly off to Vegas on a campaign trip?  He never answered that question.  Really, wouldn't you expect any President to be there in the White House, on the scene and at the helm during such a crisis? 

I think we're starting to see the real Obama and I don't like what I'm seeing.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012



It was at times a fiery exchange. They went after each other like two gladiators in the Colosseum.  Nevertheless, I cannot believe some of the things I heard coming out of Obama's mouth.  He has audacity, there's no doubt about it.  

But, while I was watching this event, I had an email exchange that led to the conclusion that half of the people of this country won't realize when Obama was not telling the truth because they haven't been paying attention to what has been going on for the last four years.  How he could assert that he was calling the Benghazi situation a terrorist act the very day after the event and do so with a straight face is beyond me.  In fact, he took great pains in ensuing days to insist that it was due to protestors and the video.  

Anyway, I thought Romney did a very good job of explaining his position on many things.  I think that, after the talking heads get through boiling this down, the dust will settle in Romney's favor. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 



Why do we need to watch tonight's debate?  If we're interested in tonight's debate, it's because both Obama and Biden have shocked our consciousness and we want to confirm that what we've seen is true.  Well, it is.  

Can't you just picture either one of these guys conducting our foreign affairs, meeting with other heads of state and acting like they acted in these debates?  Disgusting, isn't it?  As far as leadership qualities go, they certainly demonstrated to me that they don't take their jobs seriously.  

Personally, I don't care if Obama wallops Romney or not tonight; Obama has already shown me that he does not belong in the White House.  He doesn't have the right attitude to be an American President.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

Monday, October 15, 2012



Thursday night’s Vice-Presidential debate was more revealing to me regarding the Iranian nuclear issue than I expected. 

Here we had the Vice President suggesting to us that the White House did not know there were terrorists involved at Benghazi because their intelligence people had not told them so.  We also know that the President has not been attending intelligence briefings.  Then we have Biden telling us Thursday night that there is no way Iran had the capability to launch a nuke and that they are not really that far along because… that’s what their intelligence says.  Huh? 

The situation in Benghazi was under our direct control; the situation in Iran is not.  If we don’t know what is happening in our own embassies and consulates, how can we possibly know what is going on in nuclear facilities buried far below ground in Iran? 

You have Yemen, an infested hot-bed-nest of Al Qaeda, and our security guy gets killed there just 30 days after the massacre at Benghazi.  Why?    Biden says the Iranians don’t have a missile that can carry a nuclear payload anywhere, but the fact is that Iran has been test-firing missiles for several years. 

I don’t think we Americans can afford to bury our heads in the sand on this issue. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

Saturday, October 13, 2012


I caught a little bit of Glenn Beck on the Blaze Network Friday.  The gist of the program was that he believes Americans need to turn to prayer for the good of the country and a proper outcome of the election.  So, I guess I had an epiphany of sorts. 

I am a devout Christian, but I am not a religious man in the context of belonging to and attending church.  Frankly, I don’t know that I believe in religion anymore; I think that religions have become too self-serving to be properly serving the dictates of God and Christianity.  But, that’s an argument for another day. 

I need to set the framework for where I am coming from.  I have had too many messages from God during my life to believe anything other than He exists. I consider myself to be very lucky, because my prayers have always been answered and in such a manner that I damned well knew they had been answered.  My physical being has been saved too many times in my lifetime to chalk things up to mere coincidence.

Accordingly, I do look at things from that perspective and I have come to believe that God does work in mysterious ways.  Yet, in the final analysis, God also reveals His reasoning as He accomplishes things. 

This all having been said, I get to the situation our country is now in.  I believe that this nation was blessed from the very beginning, and that we prospered and became leaders of the world because we followed the fundamental teachings of God and Christ in everything we did.  As time has worn on, however, we have strayed from those fundamentals and we have evolved into an almost godless society which does not value human life or dignity. 

And therefore, I submit, we are now faced with the prospect of going down the road to oblivion as a nation. 

We can certainly hope for a better nation.  We can wish that Obama and his devil cohorts be banished from the face of the earth.  We can go to rallies and talk to our neighbors and do everything we can to change who is in the White House.  But, those are not the real answers.  We need a down-to-earth change in the attitudes and beliefs of every single member of our government, in all three branches… Congress, the Supreme Court and the Executive Branch. 

The plain simple fact of the matter is that no one, not Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, Joe Biden…. No one can change all of the things that need to be changed to get our country back on the right course.  Things have eroded to such an extent that a monumental undertaking beyond our human abilities must take place.  We can do all of the things that we should be doing to try and make this happen, but we need the backing and support of God to pull it off.

So, let us together take time to pray every night and every morning and every waking hour… Let us pray together that this nation under God be recreated, that the devil be cast aside from our ship of state, that the November election outcome, whatever it is, be the beginning of a renewed commitment to the truth, to honesty, to integrity, to ethics and to God.  And, if we’re not willing to come together and pray for that, we deserve the hell we are about to face. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.