Saturday, June 24, 2017


How would you like to walk into a pit full of venomous snakes every day? 

From the very outset, Sean Spicer made it clear: Conduct yourselves with civility, tell the truth, and we'll get along just fine.  That all lasted about ten minutes.  

From then on, the attacks against Spicer and his associates has been downright vicious and confrontational, and the stories hitting the evening newscasts and press runs have been filled with lies, distortions, spins and innuendoes.  

With today's vast social media networks and the sophisticated abilities of the White House to communicate without the press, one has to ask: Who needs them?  

I think the White House has been too accommodating.   They've been patient, they've cajoled, they've politely encouraged and they've warned.  Not only has that not alleviated the situation, most of us think it's gotten far worse and denigrated into depraved chaos.  

So, the White House has done what I would have done a very long time ago: They're not only cutting back on press briefings, but they're taking away the stage upon which the media and press have been displaying their rattled brains for the last five months; they're cutting out audio recordings and screen shots.  And how is the press and media responding to this?  With outrageous indignation, screaming to the high heavens that they are being grossly mistreated.  

Not one of them... not one... has come forth and apologized or offered to turn the briefings into a forum for civil discourse.  That silence is solid confirmation that they don't give a damned about the right of the American public to have unfettered and unfiltered access to the news.  

What needs to happen next is that the press corps has to be fully relegated to the prospect of submitting their questions via email.  The press briefing room can be remodeled into being a production studio and a representative of the White House can read the questions to a White House press staffer who can answer the questions and the entire package can then be released via C-Span.  

Like I said... who needs a press that insists on using its platform to influence American opinion as opposed to providing objective reporting on the important topics of the day?  

To hell with them.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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