Friday, November 18, 2016



I've had it!  For several decades, the American press and media have been becoming more and more stooges of the left, hiding the facts and truth from the American people and covering up the misdeeds of their radical counterparts in government.  They have attacked, attacked and attacked everyone in this country who even looks like he might be a conservative or a Republican.  

I've had enough.  Fortunately for them, there's a thing called "Freedom of the Press" in our Constitution, or I'd favor shutting down every damned one of them who uses that freedom to advance their own political agendas.  Americans have every right to know facts, and those who deny us that right should be strung up on the yardarms.  

Nevertheless, there is a way we can fight back.  We can quit buying their damned products... cancel our newspaper and magazine subscriptions and turn off their news broadcasts.  We can send emails and letters of complaint to those who advertise their wares with them.  In other words, we can treat them just like they've been treating us for far too long... we can get in their faces and their pocketbooks.  

To hell with them.

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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