Monday, November 21, 2016



Imagine your life without God in it.  Why were you born?  Why are you living?  What is your purpose?  If your conscious disappears when you die, where did it come from in the first place?  Why is there a Bible and why did so  many people participate in creating it?  

The left-wing of this country is bound and determined to remove God from your life.  You have no right to your God, no right to follow His teachings and certainly no right to display your belief in public in any manner whatsoever.  If you do, it's against the law.   

Never mind that our Constitution provides for freedom of religion; our forefathers really meant to write from instead of of.  And no, our country was not founded on religious principles.  Therefore, you must embrace homosexuality, you cannot display the cross, you cannot pray before or after a football game, you must allow men into women's restrooms... but if you happen to be a Muslim, you can do what ever you want.  And with the exception of the Muslim religion, no religious organization is allowed to say anything political or they lose their tax exempt status. 

Other tenets of our Constitution don't mean anything when it comes to religion; no freedom of speech, no freedom of association, no right to pray... we are a godless society, with the exception of Muhammad of course.  

You may pooh pah what I am saying here, you may even take exception to it; but, deep down in your heart, you know that what I am saying is true.  People of faith, taught from an early age to be proud of their religions, are now finding themselves faced with shucking and ducking in order to maintain civility in their lives.  It appears that the only thing worse than believing in God and God's teachings is voting for Donald Trump.  

When you stop and think about it, religion and religious beliefs have been under attack at an alarmingly increasing rate in this country for several decades.  What is even more alarming is that those of us of faith are not standing up to do something about it.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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