Monday, November 28, 2016



I never liked Mitt Romney.  I lobbied strongly against him when he ran for president in 2012 and, when he got the nomination anyway because the Republican hierarchy pulled out all of the stops and tricks to make it happen, I came as close to not voting at all as I have ever come.  I did vote for him, only because it was either him or Obama.   

He's no better than Obama, Reid, Pelosi or the likes... he's a progressive elitist... an opportunist who is convinced that he should be the president so he can be in charge.  Yes, he's a take charge guy who doesn't give a damn what you or I or John Q. Public thinks.  In every respect, he is the epitome of the "establishment" that you and I despise.  And during the campaign, he called Trump and you and I virtually every name in the book and he fought bitterly, even after Trump won the nomination, to keep him from winning.   

Trump may feel that bringing Romney on board will unite the party.  Well, it may succeed in uniting the "establishment" with Trump, but it will alienate those of us who believed in him and supported him and the Republican Party will still be split. 

One thing is certain: If Romney ends up in a coveted position within the Trump administration, it will prove that he was right-on when he called Trump a fraud and a con man.  And Trump will instantly become categorized  as just another dirty, lying, rotten politician who doesn't really give a damn about the American public.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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