Saturday, November 19, 2016


For well over eight years, the left wing of the Democrat Party has been hollering, ranting and raving at genuine Americans... screaming at the tops of their lungs whenever anything doesn't go their way.  They just had eight years of control over the White House... the first two of them with a completely controlled Congress; yet, they haven't accomplished one single thing that made America better.  

Americans decided that they want a new direction; they're not happy at all with the way things are going.  And the guys who got voted out because they can't accomplish anything positive... are all crying their lungs out like little babies.  They had their chance, they blew it and we're at fault?  

Simply put, they are now irrelevant.  They are out of power.  Their agenda has been proven to be something Americans don't want.  

So, they scream... the media screams, Pelosi and Reid scream, Obama eggs them on.  Their zombies take to the streets.  The problem here is that we are giving them credibility by reacting.  Certainly you have to understand that if we get on our pulpits and denounce them for what they are, we are saying to the world that what they say bothers us.  

But, they have no voice.  They lost it.  

So, why are we paying any attention to them?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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