Saturday, February 07, 2015


Barack Hussein Obama has laid down the gauntlet.  He is saying that, due to the Christian Crusades, I.S.I.S. and other radical Islamic terrorists have the right to do the things they are; after all, he reasons, the Crusades which began in 1095 were all about war and barbaric acts in the name of Christ.  

In one breath, he claims the Islamic terrorists of today ere merely evil and that Islam has nothing to do with it; they are not really Islamic.  In the next breath, he is claiming they have the right to do what they are because the Christians had religious wars 1,000 years ago.  He tells us not to get on our "high horses" to go after these savage evil-doers because we Christian started it. 

Did you start it?  I didn't.  I did not take down the World Trade Center.  I did not set the Jordanian pilot afire.  Did you?  

He also conveniently fails to mention that the cause of the Christian Crusades was that Muslims were trying to take over the world and were killing Christians, Jews and other "infidels" everywhere.

Obama justifies the tolerance of I.S.I.S. bloodshed on your Christian Crusades. 

But, it does not end there.  Ever since Obama's first denigration of Christians back when he took office, when he made disparaging remarks about Pennsylvanians "clinging onto their Bibles and guns,"  Obama has had an overt campaign against gun owners and those who possess fundamental Christian values in this country. 

He now turns his back on those who are being raped, beaten and butchered at the hands of radical Muslims and blames us.  Is he now the voice of radical Islam?  Will Muslims everywhere answer his call? 

If we do not rise up and speak out, he wins the argument by default. 

And I say... Barack Hussein Obama is the living and breathing Black Knight of the Apocalypse.  He himself is the embodiment of evil in America.  He must be neutered, and we Christians must rise to the cause. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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