Tuesday, July 01, 2014



The Supreme Court has delivered two more urgent repairs to our crumbling Constitution, reserving the right for non-members to be free of union dues; and it ruled in favor of the Hobby Lobby case, where the corporation was asserting it should not have to provide certain forms of contraception due to its religious foundation.

In the first case, the State attempted to force people who take a disabled patient home for care as opposed to leaving them in care facilities to either belong to the healthcare union or pay dues on compensation received from state disability programs, thereby literally taking food and health care away from the patient. 

In the second case, the government argued that corporations are not people and therefore have no religious freedom.  The Court, in its language, narrowly construed its finding to apply to "closely held corporations," meaning that there was no inherent finding either way regarding the general business community.  Both decisions were 5 to 4 decisions.  

In my opinion, neither case should have gotten past first base.  They were without merit, as far as I am concerned.  The Supreme Court has finished off this season with some excellent rationale for some sound decisions.  A breath of fresh air has just wafted its way across our nation.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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