Wednesday, July 30, 2014



A Federal Judge has ruled that residents of Washington D.C. can carry their guns in public and can have concealed-carry permits.  Their reasoning: "Just because you leave your house doesn't mean you lose your rights."  But, before Washingtonians had the opportunity to strap on their weapons, the Judge declared a 90-day stay to allow opponents to file an appeal and/or design new laws and regulations to deal with the ruling. 

In the meanwhile, a wacko went into a mental health clinic, pulled out his gun and started shooting, killing a counselor.  A staff doctor pulled out his own gun and shot the wacko; others came in and controlled the suspect until the cops arrived.  The clinic has a policy that no one except security personnel is permitted to have a  gun on the premises, but it appears they are going to make an exception in this case.  

Both of these events show some promise in the gun control battle.  The Judge's ruling was absolutely correct and the clinic is to be congratulated for showing a little common sense in the administration of its policy.  

I have to get back to the underlying issue of carrying a gun: Why does one consider it necessary to carry openly or concealed?  In the first place, I consider open-carry to be vulgar and an invitation for trouble; it's somewhat akin to walking around with your fly open and your dangle dangling.  Generally speaking, those "Rambos" use hubcaps for belt buckles.  Those who conceal-carry and who are not off-duty cops or undercover agents sincerely want to protect themselves and those who accompany them from potential violence.  

The plain fact is that the likelihood of a law enforcement officer being on the scene when a thug starts an act of violence are slim and none.  Moreover, the odds of one appearing within five minutes are also slim and none.  Finally, the odds of the thug listening to you when you plead, "Please don't shoot," are likewise slim and none.  

Yes, I believe one should have a permit to carry as long as the fee is reasonable and the requirements are not insane.  There should be a mental and criminal background check and required training in applicable laws as well as range firing to prove competency in handling the weapon.  Beyond that, there should be no restrictions.  

While I do not believe in a Federal permit to carry, I do believe that every state should recognize and accept concealed carry permits issued by every other state.  And, under the circumstances outlined here, I believe that those who have a permit to carry should be authorized to carry anywhere, the only exceptions being a Courthouse, within proximity of the President or while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

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