Saturday, September 08, 2012


Preliminary estimates have 50,000 people in attendance at Tampa’s Republican National Convention.  The Democrats on the other hand, had to shut their final night venue down to 15,000 to make sure there were no empty seats at Obama’s acceptance speech.  I actually think they had lined up about 30,000 to 40,000 people to sit in the 74,000 seat football stadium Thursday night and that would have been pathetic.  The Republicans had closed attendance; the Democrats couldn’t give enough tickets away.  Why hasn’t the media reported on this angle to the story?  Unofficial reports are that fewer people watched the DNC than the RNC by far.  In fact, 28% of the people who had their tubes turned on turned them off when Obama hit the podium and they hid in their closets clinging on to their Bibles and guns!   

I got an email the other day calling me all kinds of four-letter words for my stance on this election.  Nowhere in the email did it suggest that an open discussion on the differences of opinion would be a good idea. 

Clinton and Obama blame Bush for a horrible situation when Obama took office and they insist that no President could ever resolve these things in just four years.  Gosh, not even Bill Clinton could have done it?  So, I guess they are setting things up already so they can blame Bush for the NEXT four years? 

Evidently, as things unfolded this week, God is definitely not a Democrat.  It’s nice to know that they finally “gave in” and let “God” back onto the platform.  I wonder if they made Him sit in the back pew?   They want God out and taxpayer-funded abortions and free women’s contraception in.  And you want to know what’s wrong with this country?   

Missing at this week’s DNC was the national debt clock.  And, there was no discussion about who built your business.  Nor was there any meaningful talk about a national budget, the national debt, the country’s debt rating, or a recent Federal Court ruling that Arizona Peace Officers can indeed ask for proof of citizenship when making arrests for other reasons.  And, by the way, no mention was made about Eric Holder’s or Janet Napolitano’s legal problems.  Well, I guess if the subject doesn’t come up, no issue exists, right? 

Nowhere in any of my blogs have I ever indicated that I’m enamored with the Republican Party.  In my opinion, they are by far the lesser of two bad evils at this point in time.  I agree… Let’s move forward.  Let’s put these last 24 years behind us and turn this country around and let’s start by putting Barack Obama behind us and holding Romney’s feet to the fire. 

Bill Clinton is going on the road with Barack?  Gosh, only two people in that big, black Canadian bus?  Maybe they’ll drop in and see how things are progressing with that Keystone Pipeline Obama loves so much.  I gotta figure that Clinton is hoping that by his support of Obama, he might one day get his own Nobel Peace Prize. 

Why is it that Obama hates guns, but all of his Secret Service guards carry guns? 

A caricature of Jane Fonda is being replaced by caricatures of Obama in thousands of men's urinals throughout the country… Oh, why isn’t the media reporting that? 

Moving right along, the Godless President promised in the first term he would cut the deficit in half, but he added $6 trillion to it.  This go around, he’s pledging to cut the deficit by $4 trillion.  If my math is right, that means he’s going to add another $8 trillion to it. So unemployment went down to 8.1%, but almost 400,000 finally gave up trying to find a job, which accounts for the .2% drop.  And that means my friend, that when everyone tires of looking for a job that isn’t there, unemployment will be 0% and Obama will be a world-class hero.  On the other hand, if you don’t believe in God, then I guess you don’t have to tell the truth about things, do you? 

Nancy Pelosi looked sweet the other night.  Maybe she just took her free oral contraceptive pill.  And Harry looked just as grouchy as ever. The last time he smiled, the Washington Nationals won the World Series. 

NBC could be going down the tubes, pardon the play on words.  Their advertising revenues are in the cellar  and Jay Leno just had to take a 50% pay cut.  He now makes less than Bill Gates. 

Okay, the big question right now is how do you pronounce Sandra Fluke’s last name?  Is it Flook, Fluck, Flookee, or Fluckee?

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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