Saturday, September 15, 2012


Here is the fact, my fellow Americans: we haven’t had a real leader in the White House since Ronald Reagan; before him, it was Harry Truman.  All of we Americans have been begging for a real leader ever since George H.W. Bush left the job in Iraq unfinished and the economy in a mess.  While Clinton was great at economics, he was lousy when it comes to setting an example for Americans to follow.  The two Bushes will go down in history as being mediocre in all respects.  And then, there’s Barack Obama.

Forget the fact that Obama won’t put the facts on the table about his birth.  Forget the dearth of information about his college records or the origination of his social security number.  Forget the fact that Obama prefers to vote “present” as opposed to filling the shoes of the job he was elected to do.   Set those less than impressive facts aside and let’s talk about where our ship of state is now and where it is going. 

Every important issue this nation had faced under this President has required massive public opinion and Congressional pressures to get him to face and resolve.  Every time something major has hit us over the heads, Obama has gotten on Air Force One and left Washington.  That’s a fact, pure and simple.  He’s played golf, he’s gone on some foreign junket to voice apologies for our country, or he’s lashed out at someone… usually George W. Bush… as being to blame for our angst. 

We know most recently that the Libyan Consulate was in a temporary location; I don’t know the details of that, but I do know that terrorist organizations in Libya had been touting that they were going to score a 9/11 tragedy against us for several days and there were only four Marines stationed at the Consulate compound, reportedly carrying no firearms, (although that allegation has been denied).   We know that Obama has not been attending security briefings on any regular basis.  We know that, when the protest started at Cairo, the White House immediately blamed an American-made video for the uproar and instructed the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to issue an apology that appeared on the State Department website and was immediately taken down when Romney took the President to task over it.  We know that that apology was issued although the protesting chants were about Obama and Osama.  And we know that, when radical Islamists in Libya and Egypt vowed to continue their demonstrations and riots, Obama made a statement saying we were going to get the bad guys and then boarded Air Force One and headed to Las Vegas. 

We know that the one country in the nation which has always had outstanding credit had seen two major international credit ratings firms lower our credit rating under Obama’s watch. 

I submit to you that we still have no leader in the White House.   

Regardless of what you think about Romney, you must agree he has an outstanding record as a businessman.  He rescued the Olympics from certain disaster.  He has displayed firmness and willingness to stand up for what he believes.  Most importantly, he is surrounding himself with competent people, something that Obama most certainly has not.  Obama and his cronies do not like God, Jews or Israel.  Romney is devout in his religion and supports all other religions including Judaism, as well as our close Middle Eastern ally, Israel.  

What President in his right mind would get on the plane and fly off to Vegas and once again skip his morning intelligence briefing on the very first morning after his U.S. Ambassador to Libya was murdered and the Consulate sacked?  Obama did just that!

Every day, more and more of my friends and acquaintances are saying they wish they had not voted for Obama, that they could take that vote back.  Let’s not compound the mistake by sentencing ourselves to another four years without a real leader. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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