Thursday, September 13, 2012



The Middle East erupted in protests on September 11th and 12th, the first occurring at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt.  While the Obama Administration claims the protests were the result of an American-made video reportedly dishonoring the Prophet Mohammed, protesters were chanting “We’re all Osamas, Obama. There are millions of us, Obama. There are millions of Osamas, Obama. We’re all Osamas!”  Rush Limbaugh conjectures the protests were being made because Obama keeps touting Americans with his Osama kill on the campaign trail; Osama is revered by Muslims everywhere. 

Romney went on the attack, pointing out a statement issued by the embassy apologizing for the making of the movie.  That statement has since been taken down from the State Department website.  Romney accused Obama of extending his well-known “apology tour” of his early days in office.  Obama later issued stern statements about the matter and about the killing of four Americans at the U.S. Consulate in Libya.  Then, the entire Middle East erupted in protests on Wednesday. 

Obama accuses Romney of firing from the hip before he had all of the facts.  The fact is, the lack of a clear and firm foreign policy and the lack of determination on the Iranian nuclear issue have contributed to this deteriorating situation. 

I have fear that we are once again not safe on our own soil. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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