Tuesday, September 11, 2012



There they were in the convention, three voice votes having just been called resulting in at best a tie and by millions of observers an overwhelming "nay," and their Chair had the audacity to proclaim that the "yes" vote had a 2/3 majority; he declared the amendments passed.  So it was that "God" and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel got added back into the party platform.  

And so it was that the Democrats lied to themselves and to the nation. 

They think that now they can go to church or Synagogue and hold their heads high.  After all, they would delude themselves into thinking, they corrected their "error."  But, it wasn't a simple oversight.  It wasn't a writer's inadvertent omission.  It was in fact, discussed and argued and planned.  It was an overt act.  It was a statement of how the party felt and still feels about the subject issues. 

Now, after the fact... after lying to themselves... they think that Americans will forget.  Worse yet, they think that God will forget. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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