Tuesday, August 07, 2012



I've had it with these inconsiderate bastards.  They call in the morning, at night, on weekends, during supper and when I'm in the bathtub.  They send so much mail... one day, my mail box was full and I had to go to the post office to collect the overflow.  Every communication from them is a demand for a contribution.  When you ask them not to call again, they laugh at you. 

The plain fact of the matter is that, had they done their jobs when they had control of Congress and the White House, we wouldn't be in this mess.  If they didn't waffle every time Harry Reid or Princess Nancy looked at therm cross-eyed, most of the crappy legislation that has come out of Congress over the past four years would never have passed.  

There's not a damned one of them who can make an effective argument on behalf of the people.  Why would I want to contribute to their reelection when I want them all replaced?  

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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