Tuesday, August 21, 2012



It seems that every day, Iran is announcing some new technology that brings it closer to being able to nuke Israel.  The sawed off little runt Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is quick to say that they want Israel wiped off the face of the Earth and they will be the ones to do it.  Israel would like some help from the U.S. to ensure that a preemptive strike to take out Iran’s nuclear sites will be successful. 

In the United States, however, Barack Obama has been very unfriendly to Benjamin Netanyahu, even demanding that Israel give up land won in its last war after it was brutally attacked.  He speaks as if he was a good buddy of Netanyahu, but his actions speak much louder than words, even snubbing him at a visit to Washington, D.C. two years ago. 

Then, you have the revelations about Osama Bin Laden and the fact that it was Valerie Jarrett who wields unprecedented power over a sitting President.  Surely, if you were in Israel’s shoes, you’d have to fear that Obama would stand by and watch Israel get nuked before he did anything about it; even then, I have to wonder of Obama wouldn’t turn his back on a shattered and radioactive Israel. 

There is some thought that Obama might strike Iran in October if he continues to falter in the polls.  I agree that, if he is going to come to the aid of Israel, that’s when he’ll do it.  But, Iran now has a long-range missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead to Israel and Israel sees the time table has having been drastically shortened as news comes that Iran is much further along with its nuclear program than previously thought or admitted by the U.S. 

The clock is ticking and the fact is: Israel does not like the prospect of becoming a sitting duck. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.   

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