Thursday, May 03, 2012



Divide and conquer?  That seems to be the Obama agenda these days as he and his cronies in the White House have set out to alienate and isolate whites from blacks, Christians from non-Christians, gun owners from pacifists, union members from non-members, women from men, fat people from thin people and Tea Partiers from the rest of America.  It seems that the next thing on his agenda will be to divide Collies from Labradors. 

This constant bombardment of hatred and spite directed at various segments of our society is venomous rhetoric designed to take the “United” out of “United States of America.”  And it is filtering down throughout our society spewing its ugly contempt at everyone.  One can’t open his mouth about any subject without being ready and armed to defend what he has said. 

Yet, it seems to be done by design as opposed to accident.  One has to understand that the division of Americans can only lead to the disintegration of the foundation upon which this country is founded.  By fragmenting society and taking the “united” out of our country, the door becomes open for a change in government and a dramatic shift from Democracy to some form of totalitarianism.  This has been a tactic employed by Hitler, Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Hussein and a host of other despotic world leaders over the decades. 

It simply has to stop.  We need to get rid of the Great Perpetrator, the demagogue in the White House who is stirring all of this bullshit up.  Let us now unite and make this our goal for November.  Not only do we need to take back our country, we need to take back our ways of life.

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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