Wednesday, May 23, 2012



Bill O'Reilly of Fox News has been able to tie Greek magnate George Soros into the S.E.I.U. and Occupy America movements.  Soros has been referred to as “the single most destructive leftist demagogue in the country.” He is not a U.S. citizen, but is credited with almost bringing down the British government.  In an overt attempt to destroy American democracy, he has contributed billions of dollars to far-left-wing organizations in the U.S. 

While there is a multitude of reasons Soros is directly responsible for the decline in America, he is not the only outside influence giving me heartburn.  Millions of dollars in foreign political contributions were funneled into Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.  Yet, the Federal Elections Commission declined to investigate.  Reports are that a substantial portion, close to 85%, of those contributions came from Middle Eastern countries.  Obama refused to disclose who made those contributions and the matter was dropped like a hot potato in 2009, shortly after Obama took office. 

We have an open and democratic form of government.  There are no constraints against anyone, foreign or not, using their power and influence to sway or control activities of our government.  We need to change this situation and a Constitutional Amendment may be the only answer.  This is our country and there is no valid reason as to why we should allow external influence over our affairs.  That having been said, of course, we don't have any business interfering with internal affairs of other countries, either. 

That's MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted. 

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