Saturday, May 26, 2012


It is a sound scientific theory that, should the world erupt in nuclear war with nukes popping off everywhere, this could result in a world-wide radioactive cloud that would shield the sun’s rays from the surface, lower temperatures and result in radioactive snow.  They refer to that possibility as a “Nuclear Winter.”  It would virtually wipe out all animal and plant life as we know it and may get the fish in the ocean as well. 

In the embryonic stages of nuclear science, those who saw what horrible damage a nuclear weapon could create uttered, almost in unison, “My God, what have we done?” 

Yes, we have nuclear energy for peaceful uses, nuclear subs and other less dangerous uses of nuclear energy around the world.  And, we’ve had international agreement and cooperation to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons, especially to nations who would not subscribe to containment or who might use them for immoral war purposes. 

Now, North Korea and Iran are literally within days of having their own nukes and they’ve made no bones about it: North Korea wants to obliterate South Korea and Iran wants to obliterate Israel and to blackmail the free world.  That’s bad enough.  Syria wants nukes.  Saudi Arabia wants nukes.  Castro wants nukes.  Al Qaida wants nukes! 

Unchecked, the probability that some rogue nation will spark a nuclear World War III grows every day.  The very existence and survival of humanity is at stake.  But, those in world power, of which the United States is the supposed leader, are turning their backs on the problem and allowing proliferation to occur. 

We absolutely need to exert pressure in every corner of Congress and the public to demand that the United States and President Obama step up to their responsibilities  as world leaders and bring consensus among nations to dealing directly and overtly with the danger… political correctness be damned. 

That’s MY AMERICAN OPINION, respectfully submitted.  

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